• lizkimeria


    I am trying to block the pages ONLY on my blog but let the posts be visible to everyone but somehow s2member has all posts directing to the membership signup page. On the post restrictions I only put requirement (all) for level 0 and nothing else. What should I do so that everyone get access to the posts.. So far the pages are working ok. I also manually added someone as a test and manually put them on Level one but they too cannot see the posts they are only able to see the pages. Something I have done that is blocking all posts and cannot quite figure it out. Any help?



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  • Try posting your question in the official forum https://www.primothemes.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=4 so you get faster replies. ??

    The “all” at Level 0 for posts is requiring them to be logged in with -at least- a free account in order to view them. A guest or somenone not logged in that tries to view them will be sent to the membership options page. Someone at Level 1 should be able to view those posts without a problem, though, so check what other restriction you may have added.

    Now, you mention wanting only pages to be protected, but posts be visible to everyone. In that case, you may want to remove the “all” from Level 0 in Post Level Access Restrictions so everyone can view them without restriction.

    Hope that helps. ??

    Thread Starter lizkimeria


    Hello Cristian: Thanks for your help. Per your advise I have tried to join the above site (primot themes) but each time I register my info and create the account they say to check my email for confirmation but I don’t get any emails not in my junk or anywhere tried with two different emails.

    As far as the posts yes I have it “all” for level 0 and up so that everyone registers to be free subscribers. So my assumption was at that point since i do not have any other restrictions, then once they register they should be able to see all posts but not the pages apart from the membership page and the welcome page. When I say to be visible to all I meant to all subscribers at level 0 but still have them register.

    Now the one person I have manually added at level 1 can see all the pages but they cannot see the posts either. I even added myself for Level 1 and when I log in I can only see the pages but no posts. Right now only the admin can see posts.. not level one which is weird. There is nothing else I have put on the other field restrictions apart from “Posts That Require Level #0 Or Higher:” which I have “all”

    I also noted that Sb2 is not taking my pay pal customized name I have it all created on paypal but when I put the name on sb2, and generate the code, then the code does not work. Am not worried so much about that as I put it back to the pay pal default and now its working am only worried about level one members not able to see the posts or anyone else. I will try one more time with another email to access the above site see if I get other responses but anything you can think of is appreciated.


    I’m sorry, we ask that you submit questions regarding s2Member’s functionality in our official support forum for s2Member.

    If you are having trouble receiving the email confirmation link, please send an email directly to our support dept. using this private contact form: https://www.s2member.com/contact/

    * Note. There is nothing jumping right out at me about your configuration that sounds like anything is misconfigured. You might try this same configuration with the default WordPress theme and no plugins just to make sure you’re not dealing with a plugin conflict somewhere.

    If this problem continues, please write directly to support and we’ll investigate this further for you. https://www.s2member.com/contact/

    Thread Starter lizkimeria


    Hello: I hope someone can answer me here. So I followed the information above and joined the primo theme forum. I tried a few times but I was not able to get a confirmation email. Finally I used a gmail account and I was able to set up an account. I then signed up for Affiliate “Webshark-inc.com” I gave all the details and got a confirmation email with my Id number usernaname and password. Logged into the back office and created a banner. Put the banner on my site but banner does not work. Went back to webshark to find another banner and I could not get back in to both Webshark Or Primo Themes Forum. When I try to log in I get the followin message

    We Could Not Connect To Your Database: db91896_ws_idev
    Check Your Database Settings In API/database.php

    Please someone help get this message to support or Jason Caldwell. Its kind of scaring especially after you give all your personal information.

    NOTE: I tried to send this support to the support information provided above and that too has kicked me out https://www.s2member.com/contact/

    Elizabeth Kimeria

    Thanks for bringing this to my attention Cristián.

    Hi there Elizabeth.
    I was saddened to hear about the trouble you encountered with database connectivity on our web sites. This sounds to me like it may have had something to do with a temporary issue affecting some nodes on our server cluster. Can you confirm please that you are now able to access our web sites? If not, please reply back and we’ll take a closer look at your specific accounts to ensure nothing is affecting IP connectivity.

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