As the plugin page states inside a WPMU installation under plugin settings:
Get More Plugins
You can find additional plugins for your site by using the new Plugin Browser/Installer functionality, Or by browsing the “WordPress Plugin Directory” directly and installing manually.
To manually install a plugin you generally just need to upload the plugin file into your /home/account/public_html/wp-content/plugins directory.
Once a plugin has been installed, you may activate it here.
So, whooami… uhm, that pretty much states that many of the wordpress plugins might work wordpress mu, while some might not. So, I am just testing this out to see which ones don’t. I am pretty sure that many and I mean many WPMU users come here to do the same thing. Especially since WPMU themselves have pointed out that quite a few WP plugins might or might not work with WPMU.
So, I am making sure that people understand and realize what I have installed, so they don’t get confused that it might actually work with only WP rather than WPMU.
So, please understand, I am posting here to give other WPMU users a heads up about which plugin works with WPMU and which doesn’t. I personally would rather not spam the WPMU forums about these plugins, especially since they point right back here about each plugin that I am talking about.
Is that a good enough explanation whooami?