Thanks for the kind words!
Transition speed is set at the moment and that’s certainly something I’ll change in the next version (hopefully I’ll be able to work on it next week).
In the mean time, if you’re reasonably confident making changes to the plugin files (you can do this offline and then upload, or do it through the plugin editor if the files are writeable) you can change the speed like this:
Go to line 168 and edit it so it reads:
echo "fx: '" . $pr_effects . "',";
All I’ve added here is a comma at the end, after the single quote. Then insert a new line.
On the new line, add the following:
echo "timeout: 3000";
Where the number is the time between slides in milliseconds.
You can add other jQuery Cycle attributes in the same way – for example, to set the speed of the transition (i.e. how fast the fade is, rather than how long there is between fades) add the following line:
echo "speed: 300";
You will need to make sure that if you add more than one setting, all but the last must end with a comma (i.e. echo "timeout: 3000,";
Hope that helps – like I say, next version will include timeout, plus I’ll include speed, and an advanced field to add your own Cycle attributes.