Yeah it seems like there are quite a few scripts loaded manually and not via the enqueuing. Just cache enabler but that plugin is compatible with FVM right?
Cache enabler is not a script, so it’s not loaded manually.
If you have scripts manually added to your header.php or footer.php without usinging the enqueue system on wordpress, my plugin won’t detect them.
In the FAQ it states that when you notice multiple header or footer files being created i should put the files in those footer files on the ignore list. (Whenever you see a duplicate). Is this correct. I think it would mean putting around 20 js files in the ignore list. Doesn’t really feel like that is going to help haha.
That’s not what it says.
What it says is that when you notice that FVM is creating multiple CSS or multiple JS files in the header, or footer (per section) it may be because your scripts order includes external domains.
When FVM starts merging css or js files, it stops when it finds an external domain.
You can force merging, if you add the domain to the plugin, not on the ignore list but rather on the appropriate section to merge them together.
You still need to see if it’s possible to merge it or not… you cannot merge stuff like facebook widgets, ads, etc.
If you have 30 enqueued files, and you have a google map js file halfway, it’s going to break the series. You cannot force merging it, but you can add it to the ignore list.
By doing that, the google map file would be moved to the end and therefore, the series wouldn’t break anymore.