• Resolved alesasha


    About two months ago I successfully configured SendIt, and I sent one newsletter. It worked fine.

    One month later (probably, after the upgraded of plugin or wordpress version, but I’m not sure, I don’t remember), I tried again, and this time, when I created the newsletter, it had not been associated to any Distribution List, even if I selected the right one, and when I try to send it, it obviously didn’t work. (No matter if I select Save and send later, Send now, Send now using SendIt Free, ecc)

    Steps I followed were:
    – Newsletter creation
    – before send the newsletter, I chose the right distribution list , and I selected “Save and send later”
    – At this point, on the “Newsletter” page, I could view the new newsletter, but while the older had the right distribution list associated, the newer didn’t.
    – I opened again the newsletter, I chose the right distribution list, I chose “Send now” and I clicked on “Save or Send Newsletter”, but it didn’t work.

    How is this relation mapped on wordpress database? Maybe the problem is that after the wordpress upgrade, sendit lost relationships among tables.

    In my DB the table prefix is “nl_” (it workd fine about two months ago)

    I tried to uninstall the plugin and reinstall it, but it didn’t work.

    Thank you.


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  • Hi!
    Probably during last upgrade i forgot the $wpdb->prefix in somewhere.
    Do you have the free one or also some pro? like scheruler?
    Send me your configuration and if you want i can check for you
    By the way im going to release Sendit 3 with 100% migrations to custom post type of everything: subscribers mailing lists and also template so im running a lot on it. Contact me and i will help you. This is when someone change the wpdb prefix but for sure it’s my fault writing and testing code even more fast!

    Thread Starter alesasha


    Thank you for your reply and sorry for my late answer…
    I’ve only the base free version… Which kind of configuration do you need?

    I found the problem, but I’m not able to fix it…
    Here there are some screenshot about sql queries results.

    When the newsletter was working (before adding prefix to table names), in postmeta table there were following values in meta_key column:


    Then, after prefix was added to table names, in the prefix_postmeta table there are only following meta_key:


    Exploring the code of the plugin, I found following function in the “extensions-handler.php” file:

    [Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. The maximum number of lines of code that you can post in these forums is ten lines. Please use the pastebin]

    Is the problem here?

    Thread Starter alesasha


    An other thing I noticed is that, even if I restore the older version of the plugin, it is not working… Maybe the problem is the Database update required by the newer version…

    Thread Starter alesasha


    I found the bug…
    The problem is related to the “nonce”…

    A workaround is to comment following code lines:

    if ( !wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['sendit_noncename'], 'sendit_noncename'.$post_id ))
    	return $post_id;

    It seems to work… But I’m not able to understand how to fix it using nonce…

    Thread Starter alesasha


    Ok, so, the bug is there:

    function sendit_custom_box($post) {

    The following line code doesn’t work as expected:

    $choosed_list = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'sendit_list', TRUE);

    Indeed, it doesn’t get the right post id number… And then the nonce code isn’t correct, and the following check fails

    if ( !wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['sendit_noncename'], 'sendit_noncename'.$post_id ))
    	return $post_id;

    I fixed it using $GET[‘post’] variable in order to calculate the correct nonce code… And then it works fine.

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