• Hi,
    I’m having trouble on how to set the schedule post for my drafts.
    I’d like to make schedule every day for maximum 50 posts from draft.
    And with random time each day.

    I have tried set like this:
    Auto Post Schedule : 24 Hours.

    Restart on Publish? : -unchecked-

    Start Scheduling Delay : 160 seconds.

    Limit check to these Post Type(s) : Post

    Limit check to posts in these Categories : -default-

    Limit check to posts from these Authors : -myself-

    Limit check to posts with keyword search : -no fill-

    Limit checks on certain Day(s) to :
    Mondays Time range(s) 0400-1230 in 24-hour format
    Tuesdays Time range(s) 1500-2100 in 24-hour format
    Wednesdays Time range(s) 2120-2315in 24-hour format
    Thursdays Time range(s) 1930-2245 in 24-hour format
    Fridays Time range(s) 1320-2000 in 24-hour format
    Saturdays Time range(s) 1600-1948 in 24-hour format
    Sundays Time range(s) 1730-2156 in 24-hour format

    Do not Schedule on Dates : -no fill-

    Eligible Post Statuses? : check for Draft only.

    Pick Random Eligible Post(s)? : -uncheck-

    Recycle Posts Mode? : -uncheck-

    Recycle Posts as New? : -uncheck-

    Minimum Recycle Age : 12 days.

    Recycle Only On This Day? : -uncheck-

    Number of Posts : 1

    Max Posts per Day : 50

    Max Log Messages : 1000

    Debug Mode? : -checked-

    Please help me how to set for everyday schedule post from draft, with different time frame, any time would be okay. Just want it every day schedule post with minimum and maximum 50 posts each day.

    It would be a great help if you can help me.

    Thank you very much for provide and create this amazing plugin.


    • This topic was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by japrix.
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  • Plugin Author johnh10


    Well, you have APS set to check once every 24 hours, and only publish 1 post per check, and that’s if the check happens between the hours you set for that particular day.

    Let’s put it this way:

    If you tell APS to check every 30 minutes and only publish 1 post per check, that would be a max of 48 posts per day, excluding the daily hourly limits you set.

    Thats my setting for auto post schedule but nothing happen.any help please

    Current Status: Enabled
    Current server time:2018-04-17 19:32:56
    Next auto post check:2018-04-17 21:52:14
    This plugin will schedule ‘auto post checks’ to publish new posts and/or recycle old posts automatically.

    Auto Post Scheduler Options
    Auto Post Schedule
    seconds hours days
    Time or time range between each auto post check.
    This is roughly how often WordPress cron will wake up APS to check these rules.
    Example: 2-4 means a random time between 2 and 4 of the time unit selected will be used for each check.
    Restart on Publish? If checked, posts published manually or by other plugins will reset the next scheduler check time.
    Start Scheduling Delay
    seconds hours days
    Time delay before the first auto post check when scheduler is Enabled.
    Limit check to these Post Type(s) postpageattachment
    Limit check to posts in these Categories AndroidApplicationsMacOSXOpreating SystemsOther ThemesUncategorisedWindowsWordpress Plugins
    Limit check to posts from these Authors afswa
    Limit check to posts with keyword search

    Prepending a term with a hyphen will exclude posts matching that term.
    Eg, ‘pillow -sofa’ will return posts containing ‘pillow’ but not ‘sofa’.
    Limit checks on certain Day(s) to MondaysTime range(s)
    in 24-hour format
    TuesdaysTime range(s)
    in 24-hour format
    WednesdaysTime range(s)
    in 24-hour format
    ThursdaysTime range(s)
    in 24-hour format
    FridaysTime range(s)
    in 24-hour format
    SaturdaysTime range(s)
    in 24-hour format
    SundaysTime range(s)
    in 24-hour format
    Separate allowed hours with dashes and commas. Example: 0400-1230, 1500-2100
    If left blank, all times for that day are allowed for auto post checks.
    Do not Schedule on Dates

    Separate exclusion dates with commas. Recognized formats: d-m-Y, d-m, M, d.
    Examples: 25-12-2015 (Dec 25th of 2015), 25-12 (every Dec 25th), Dec (all of December), and 25 (25th of every month).
    Eligible Post Statuses? Drafts. If checked, drafts will be checked for posting.
    Pending. If checked, pending posts will be checked for posting.
    Publish. If checked, published posts will be checked for posting/recycling. This disables Recycle Posts Mode.
    Pick Random Eligible Post(s)? If checked, random eligible posts will be chosen.
    If not checked, the oldest eligible posts will be posted/recycled first.
    Recycle Posts Mode? If checked, the oldest published posts will be recycled if there are no eligible posts.
    Recycle Posts as New? If checked, recycled posts will be re-saved as “publish” to trigger any hooks. If not, only the post date is changed to NOW.
    This is useful if using another plugin or code that “does something” when a post is published.
    Minimum Recycle Age
    seconds hours days
    Published posts must be older than this to be recycled.
    Recycle Only On This Day? On This Day is the special case of only recycling posts made the same day and month in history.
    For example if the date is January 1st, this will only recycle posts made on January 1st of previous years.
    Number of Posts

    The number of eligible posts to publish OR number of published posts to recycle as new at each auto post check
    Max Posts per Day

    The maximum number of posts APS will publish or recycle each day. Enter 0 for no limit.
    Max Log Messages
    Debug Mode? Will display extra debug information to the log.

    Plugin Author johnh10


    That is incredibly hard to read, but it looks like you have
    Max Posts per Day 0
    which means nothing will post.

    Thread Starter japrix


    Thanks Johnh10, I think I understand now for the APS setting, and one more question so the “Limit checks on certain Day(s)” option is for exclude only right? I think I misunderstand about that.

    thanks again,

    Plugin Author johnh10


    Limit checks on certain Day(s) means no checks occur outside those times.

    I am really sorry author but i just copied and paste it.
    Current Status: Enabled
    Current server time:2018-04-18 03:42:49
    Next auto post check:2018-04-18 04:43:29

    Auto Post Schedule : 4 hours

    Restart on Publish? checked

    Start Scheduling Delay: 100 seconds

    Eligible Post Statuses? Drafts and published posts selected

    Pick Random Eligible Post(s)? checked

    Recycle Posts Mode? checked

    Recycle Posts as New? checked

    Minimum Recycle Age : 8 days

    Recycle Only On This Day? checked

    Number of Posts : 7

    Max Posts per Day : 0 (The maximum number of posts APS will publish or recycle each day. Enter 0 for no limit.)

    Max Log Messages : 1000

    Debug Mode? checked

    Hope its fine now thank you

    Plugin Author johnh10


    Do you mean to have this checked?

    Recycle Only On This Day? checked

    On This Day is the special case of only recycling posts made the same day and month in history.
    For example if the date is January 1st, this will only recycle posts made on January 1st of previous years.

    I also see you have Eligible Post Status ‘publish’ selected.

    Publish. If checked, published posts will be checked for posting/recycling. This disables Recycle Posts Mode.

    Hello autor,

    Auto Post Schedule : 4 Hours

    Eligible Post Statuses? Drafts. If checked, drafts will be checked for posting.
    Publish. If checked, published posts will be checked for posting/recycling. This disables Recycle Posts Mode.

    Debug Mode? tick checked nothing happens

    any help author?

    Plugin Author johnh10


    Already replied above.

    Do you still have Recycle Only On This Day? checked ?

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