Can NOT put links or any kind of span, etc.
Because if you look at the HTML editor:
1. Before you save: Some red text <span style="color: #ff0000;">HERE</span>
2. After you save one time: Some red text <span style=\"color: #ff0000;\">HERE</span>
3. After you save two times: Some red text <span style=\\\"color: #ff0000;\\\">HERE</span>
And for links
1. Before you save: Some link <a href="">HERE</a>
2. After you save one time: Some link <a href=\"\">HERE</a>
3. After you save two times:
Some link <a href=\\\"\\\">HERE</a>
and so on…
Could I place a request as well?
Instead of having the options to insert before/after/replace the content on “WordPress Contextual Help” it would be easier to JUST load (show) and edit the default content.
This way one can decide where to place the edited text. Before/after or in-between. Would save so much time and options…
And if one doesn’t like it can always reset ??
Thank you for an excellent idea.