Hi There: First of all, I wanted to mention that I appreciate your assistance! I’m trying to figure this out and finding it frustrating…
Under Smart Loading it says, “Please note that when enabling this Shadowbox will not be loaded if rel=”shadowbox” is not found in the content of your post(s).”
That sounds to me that if Smart Loading is set to ‘true, Shadowbox will not be loaded on a post if the rel=”shadowbox” isn’t found in that post.
My experience, and it may be unique, is that if I set automation to a certain file type to ‘true’ – say a .jpg file link for example, then Shadowbox will load EVERY .jpg link on my site, whether or not I have the rel=”shadobox” added to the html for a specific link or not. I can’t have Shadowbox load a .jpg link on one post but not on another. It’s either on or off. It doesn’t matter whether I have the Smart Loading set to ‘True or ‘False’, the same thing happens.
Here’s what I’m talking about. Two post pages, both of which have .jpg images, both of which are linked to an image on Flickr.
1) This post does NOT have a rel=”shadowbox” in the code:
Here’s the link code:
<img class=” ” style=”border: 5px solid black;” title=”Driftwood Sculpture” src=”https://farm3.static.flickr.com/2486/4103024987_8f09281975_o.jpg” alt=”Driftwood Sculpture” width=”500″ height=”294″ />
2) This post DOES have a rel=”shadowbox” in the code:
Here’s the link code:
<img class=” aligncenter” title=”Kasugai Garden koi” src=”https://farm4.static.flickr.com/3014/2892917210_7fcd1fa96a_o.jpg” alt=”” width=”640″ height=”480″ rel=”shadowbox” />
Now, if in the Shaowbox plugin settings I set the Automation for Image Links to ‘true’, BOTH images load in Shadowbox. If I set the Automation for Image Links to ‘false’, NEITHER of the images loads in Shadowbox. This happens whether Enable Smart Loading is set to ‘true’ or ‘false’. It doesn’t matter.