• Hi

    I use the shadowbox plugin with the option slideshowdelay = 5 sek.
    Se conf below:
    <!– Begin Shadowbox JS –>
    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    var shadowbox_conf = {
    animate: true,
    animateFade: true,
    animSequence: “wh”,
    modal: false,
    overlayColor: “#000”,
    overlayOpacity: 0.8,
    flashBgColor: “#000000”,
    autoplayMovies: true,
    showMovieControls: true,
    slideshowDelay: 5,
    resizeDuration: 0.55,
    fadeDuration: 0.35,
    displayNav: true,
    continuous: false,
    displayCounter: true,
    counterType: “default”,
    counterLimit: 10,
    viewportPadding: 20,
    handleOversize: “resize”,
    handleUnsupported: “link”,
    initialHeight: 160,
    initialWidth: 320,
    enableKeys: true,
    flvPlayer: “https://doglegtravels.se/ts/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/shadowbox-js/flvplayer.swf&#8221;
    window.onload = (function(){
    <!– End Shadowbox JS –>

    When i add 5 images in the same post the slideshow starts when i click any of the images. Great!
    When i add a media-file (video or music) to the post i want that the whole clip/song plays and not just 5 seks!
    I do want to use shadowbox for playing media.
    Is there a way to exclude the media-link from the slideshow?
    Or another workaround?

    /Torbj?rn – Sweden

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