I have experienced similar using a combination of the following plugins:
Shoutcodes UI
Shortcodes Ultimate
and on one site
To me, these are all great plugins and I in many ways need all of them.
At first, I found this hit in the forum “https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/plugin-shortcodes-ui-conflicts-with-woocommerce” which led me to understand that there was a conflict on one of my sites because of WooCommerce, but on another of my sites, where I do not run WooCommerce, I have experienced a failure too – Fatal errors on either are line 27 or 727 in query.php. The line 27 fatal error has been my most recent and the subject of this forum message.
My only recovery at this stage has been to FTP/Browse the wp-content directory and remove the plugins one by one to see which one fixed the problem and at this stage, I have removed Shortcodes-ui and I can log back in and the site functions again. This seemed to be the only way to fix it for now. I am not sure if this is due to the order they were installed, or the order in which each plugin accesses variables, or the cleanliness that each plugin disables itself in the event of being removed etc.
I am mainly using shortcodes-ui as the most convenient way I have found so far to create a single copy of URLs to be used on the site, so if anyone or the author of the plugin has a more simpler and more compatible way to do this it would be great to know.
Still not sure which way to proceed as I have a need for all three plugins. Is one of these plugins using some function that conflicts with others? Is there a way to make them all co-exist?
I am surprised that in the WordPress design that a plugin (or set of plugins) unrelated to logging in could have such a far reaching effect, so maybe the later versions of WordPress itself need to protect core functions so that we can login and make more convenient changes and testing…
For your information and any potential resolution from anyone out there…