• sfovllc


    Is there currently any way or workaround to use the sfb plugin for more than one site?

    Currently let’s say you have a blog, you use the sfb plugin and all things are good
    Now you create another site, and make a fb page (maybe your flipping a site or enhancing a sale….whatever)

    When you authorized your first sfb plugin, most would use a cell phone number
    So when you try to create another app for the new site in order to provide the end user with a forum they’re used to, you can’t create another app using that same cell phone number
    So you use a credit card

    What happens next? You are limited to however many cell phones you can use

    Isn’t there a way to do the sfb plugin like the twitter(stc) plugin
    I’ve tried contacting FB for a solution, but that’s a moot point, as it’s been well over a week with no response

    I like these plugins, but being limited as to non multiple uses, is going to drive me to use something else

    Thanks in advance


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  • Plugin Author Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    Why are you re-authorizing? That’s a one time thing. After you’ve verified your account, you can create as many FB Apps as you want. I’ve got like 8 or so on my account.

    The verification step is just to verify your FB account. Once it’s verified, you don’t have to do it again for each application you make.

    That said, you can use an application on more than one site now, however I have not tried it and cannot guarantee that it will work properly.

    Thread Starter sfovllc


    I’m not reauthorizing….


    it’s a brand new site, or brand new app to go with that site.

    hopefully this clears this up.
    site1.com….create an app for FB site1FBapp
    verified using phone
    all ok..

    site2.com…different site, create an app for FB site2FBapp
    verified using credit card
    All ok

    site3.com..again different site,
    can’t create an app for FB because
    the phone method can’t be used, because it was already verified in site1.com
    can’t use the credit card verification because that was already used
    in site3.com

    creating a bunch of apps for 1 site isn’t the problem, but if you have a number of sites, let’s say a sports team blog like several NFL teams, unless you have several cell phones, or several credit cards, you can’t create a FB site for each team site.

    If I’m misinterpreting this in some way, I apologize.
    I like the twitter method used for verifying, as all the sites we’re using have their own twitter site, but the FB thing is a tough nut to crack

    Does that help?

    Plugin Author Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    No, my question is why are you re-verifying at all?

    You don’t have to verify each time you create an application. Verify once, create as many applications as you like. Just go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps and create a new app. Once a Facebook account is verified, it’s verified forever. You don’t have to do it again.

    You’re not verifying the application. You’re verifying your own personal Facebook account. Once you’ve verified your account, you can create app after app after app on that account. I have 8 FB applications. Each one is connected to a different website. All of these applications are under my own FB account. I only ever verified one time.

    Thread Starter sfovllc



    I thought that if I was using the plugin on site1.com and wanted to have a FB page for site1.com, I’d create an app

    If I had a site2.com and wanted to create a FB page for site2.com I had to re-verify using the FB site 2 account.

    So the 1 FB account I already have verified, I just create an app for each other site as required…using the api key and secret key for whatever site I make…

    Gotcha…didn’t think that could be done, but appreciate your time, and sorry for the frustration…

    I’ll give it a whirl

    Plugin Author Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    Each application will get its own API code and secret key. Those aren’t shared amongst apps.

    please i need help i tried creating apps but when i insert the api code and secrete onm y forum and attemp to connect via facebook, it opens a facebook dialog dat says GO TO APPS or INSTALL APPS instead of ALLOW..please help me i have been tring to do it for more than a week…[email protected] please help me try and create a facebook connect app that wil allow me log in people in my forum.
    thanx a million

    Hi Otto
    Thanks for your great plugin.

    RE the above topic, if I am wanting to use SFC on multiple different client sites, I understand that I should register an individual app for each site/domain and that I can do this all under my own FB profile.

    The question is, since I am also pasting in the secret key for each client’s WP installation and your plugin, does this potentially create an issue?

    If it’s a client site, once I hand over to them, they could potentially see that information? I don’t think you can ever transfer and app to another FB user, so therein lies the issue.

    So what’s the best practice here?

    Would it be better to get the WP site owner (customer) to create an app ID themselves and provide that info?

    Plugin Author Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    Add them as an admin to the app you create. Then remove yourself when you are done.

    Awesome, didn’t know you could do that !!

    Beer will be forthcoming for you my friend…

    @otto how come you didnt give me a help but just kept quiet,i have been waiitng for your response, @ lamhere please can you give me the steps you used in creating a facebook app for smf logins, please give me a novice step to it. or better still help me create and move the admin to me as you are doing for others incase i still cant get the guide right. please reply.

    @ wole8029

    Here ya go.

    1) login to your FB account
    2) go to this page https://developers.facebook.com/apps
    3) click on Create New App
    4) enter the app display name (e.g. my WP app)
    5) tick agree to Terms box
    6) enter the captcha

    On the next page you will see your app ID and secret code (this will be pasted into the SFC settings page a bit later)

    1) On the FB developer page where you just created your app, look down the page and find the heading “Basic Info”.
    In the App Domain field, enter your website domain – do not enter any http or www, just the domain part like this: example.com

    2) A bit farther down the same page, under the heading “Select how your app integrates with Facebook” click on “Website” and enter your full website URL e.g. https://www.example.com

    Now take a copy of your app id and log in to your WordPress admin. Under the WP admin settings you will see the Simple Facebook Connect settings. In there, add your APP ID. Then go back to the FB dev page and copy your secret key and then paste that into the SFC secret Key field in the settings screen.

    Then, you should be good to go! You can now modify any of the other SFC settings you want.

    If you get stuck you can ask I might be able to help!

    Good luck!

    PS I have no idea about adding to forum !

    Good luck

    @lamhere please can i use a subdomain like blog.mydomain.com as my domain
    and https://www.blog.mydomain.com as the site url on the application basic seeting, if so, i tried your steps but i had no success as its still syaing GOTO APP instead of ALLOW, please i need you to create the following app for me to tranfer the dapp admin to me. my facebook name is Oluwole okeaya-inneh

    1. App name: Elobbi domain: forum.elobbi.com url: https://www.elobbi.com/forum

    2. app name: Living Rivers; domain: livingrivers.elobbi.com; url: https://www.livingrivers.elobbi.com

    3. App name: Nigeria Town; domain : nigeriatown.elobbi.com; url: https://www.elobbi.com/nigeriatown

    Thanks alot will really appreciate this grat favor. God bless you.

    Hi wole I am sorry I don’t know how to add subdomains.

    Also, you will have to do this under your own Facebook profile.

    Otto – can you help here?

    but i tot you cud transfer app admin to another facebook user?

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