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  • Thread Starter Wes Linda


    We are using the force SSL setting in the WordPress configuration file to define this. Not sure what the right way to pull images are, but it would be nice to have a fix.

    Other plugins and WordPress itself pull images just fine. Not sure what is missing.

    Plugin Contributor Jake Goldman


    Well, the plug-in uses the “site_url()” function to generate URLs for the avatars. Presumably, an SSL plug-in would hook into that. Any idea what other plug-ins do?

    Thread Starter Wes Linda


    Hey Jake,

    I’m not sure how others do it, but what’s going on is it’s not pulling the SSL link to the image. Keeps it at https://

    <li id="wp-admin-bar-my-account" class="menupop with-avatar"><a class="ab-item"  aria-haspopup="true" href="" title="My Account">Howdy, Arthritis Center<img alt='Arthritis Center' src='' class='avatar avatar-16 photo' height='16' width='16' /></a><div class="ab-sub-wrapper"><ul id="wp-admin-bar-user-actions" class="ab-submenu">
    		<li id="wp-admin-bar-user-info"><a class="ab-item" tabindex="-1" href=""><img alt='Arthritis Center' src='' class='avatar avatar-64 photo' height='64' width='64' /><span class='display-name'>Arthritis Center</span><span class='username'>weslinda</span></a>		</li>

    The site URL is input as HTTP because we don’t force SSL on the entire site. We force SSL in the admin area, and I believe that if I force for the entire site, it still calls the https:// version of the link.

    Not sure how WordPress itself does it, but it seems to call other images in the admin properly. Wish I knew more about how to code this properly, I’d drop in an answer as quickly as I could figure it out, unfortunately, I’m a design guy, not really a developer guy.

    same problem over here.

    I think the problem may be caused by using wp_get_attachment_url here:

    As you can see in this 3 YEAR OLD ticket, wp_get_attachment_url doesn’t check for SSL:

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