I don’t know, I would have to guess. I’ve done a code inspection but didn’t see any likely culprits.
Let’s just check some basic things.
- It uses WordPress features that started with v3.3, so if you are on an older version of WordPress, that could be the cause of it. It actually tests for versions prior to 3.3, and will stop running if it finds that.
- it uses some features of PHP that started with v5.2. I think possibly v5.2.17, but not certain. If you are on a back-rev of PHP, that could be the problem.
- it uses PHP CRYPT (BLOWFISH). If you don’t have that it would fail.
If those basic requirements are satisfied, the next thing I would do, if I were trying to figure this out, is turn on debug mode in WordPress. Do this by modifying the wp-config.php file, which should be in the root of your wordpress installation. There will be a line that looks like:
define('WP_DEBUG', false);
Edit that and replace “false” with “true” (no quotes). See also This will not fix anything, but it will provide some additional diagnsotic information that may aid in determnining the problem.
I just updated the plugin to add more diagnostic messages. Download it again (same cheeso location) and re-try, if you’re game.