• Hello, I installed this plugin to have a slideshow inside my single post..

    I hard coded it to my theme file, I inserted this code:

    <?php if (function_exists('slideshow')) { slideshow($output = true, $gallery_id = false, $post_id = false, $params = array()); } ?>.

    I tried to make a post and upload some pictures on my post, but It did not show..

    How can I get all the images uploaded in the post media uploader?



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  • Vitor


    i have this problem too..

    Plugin Author Tribulant Software



    To show images from a post, you must please specify the post_id parameter. With this hardcoding, you should specify the $post_id variable to the ID of the post to take the images from.

    @ antonie

    I love this plugin! thank you!
    I am trying to mimic what you show in the screenshot section https://s.www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/slideshow-gallery/screenshot-5.png?r=651160

    When I click this button in my post editor, it shows 3 options:
    Images From a Post
    Slides From a Gallery
    All Available Slides

    however from your screen shot it shows when you select images from post it gives you a drop down of posts (i love that and want it!). But on mine it only gives me a blank field to enter the post ID # which is hard to find. Any ideas how i can get the feature you are showing in the screenshot?

    Plugin Author Tribulant Software


    Thank you for your message Kevin.

    I’m glad to hear that you’re enjoying the Slideshow Gallery plugin.

    You’re right, it was changed from a dropdown for posts to a field to insert the ID of the post and the reason for this was that some people have many posts (hundreds, even thousands) and the drop down would populate too long and timeout so the field to insert the ID is a quicker solution and won’t cause problems.

    Please let me know if this helps!

    All the best,

    I see! That makes a lot of sense now that you have mentioned it. Is there a way to detect the current ID of the current post I am editing? OR a suggestion from me would be to add a 4th option to say “images from THIS post”

    Thanks again!

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