• I’ve been trying to style without success just the content text padding. I want to increase the padding between the image and text. I have the image floating right. All I’ve been able to do is adjust padding for the entire contents. The only other way I’ve been able to do this is to add a same color border around the image, but this messes up my styling of the background. Any help? thks!


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  • View the source on your website and grab all the inline css that is displayed.

    Then add this line to your functions file:

    remove_action( 'wp_head', 'smooth_slider_css');

    That will remove all the inline css.

    Now paste the inline css into your styles.css file. You’ll be looking for the margin right on the thumbnail. I set mine to 20px.

    .smooth_slider_thumbnail {
    	margin:0px 20px 0 0px;

    Or you could try:

    #smooth_sldr_items img{
    margin:10px 0 0 15px;

    Depending on which way you float the image.

    I have a wpmu installation where different blogs have slightly different style settings for Smooth Slider.

    Thanks a lot dylancoyne – that worked wonderfully without needing to modify my functions.php file.

    hello, am new using wordpress and I am facing the same problem

    so I go to plug in >> editor >> smooth slider ??

    in what section of the smooth slider code do I place this code in

    #smooth_sldr_items img{
    margin:10px 0 0 15px;

    please help me as soon as you can … Thank you

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