• There are some empty links under Settings in the admin created by this plugin. Three links are created and the title is empty for all three so it just creates empty items in the settings menu. These links are unnecessary and can easily be done away with and replaced with the proper menu items.
    This is the code that creates the empty links on line 987 of /wp-content/plugins/sociable/includes/class-sociable_Admin_Options.php

    $page[] =	add_options_page( "","", 'manage_options', 'sociable_select' , array( 'sociable_Admin_Options' , 'Select_Sociable_Page' ) );
    	$page[] =	add_options_page( "","", 'manage_options', 'sociable_options' , array( 'sociable_Admin_Options' , 'Create_Options_Page' ) );
    	$page[] =	add_options_page( "","", 'manage_options', 'skyscraper_options' , array( 'sociable_Admin_Options' , 'Create_Options_Page_Skycraper' ) );

    A little farther down the actual menu items are created. Comment out the the three lines referenced above and replace the menu_page function calls with the following starting on line 993.

    $page[] = add_menu_page(__( 'Sociable Options' ), __( 'Select Sociable Plugin' ), 'manage_options', 'Sociable_Options', array( 'sociable_Admin_Options' , 'Select_Sociable_Page' ) );
        // Add a submenu to the custom top-level menu:
        $page[] = add_submenu_page('Sociable_Options',  __( 'Sociable Options' ), __( 'Sociable Options' ), 'manage_options', 'Create_Options_Page' , array( 'sociable_Admin_Options' , 'Create_Options_Page' ) );
        // Add a second submenu to the custom top-level menu:
        $page[] = add_submenu_page('Sociable_Options',  __( 'Skyscraper Options' ), __( 'Skyscraper Options' ), 'manage_options', 'Create_Options_Page_Skycraper' , array( 'sociable_Admin_Options' , 'Create_Options_Page_Skycraper' ) );


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  • Thread Starter Jeff Sterup


    Just updated to the newest version of the plugin. Version The empty menu items still exist. For this version of the plugin the first line reference should now be 950 and the second line reference should be 955.

    thanks for that Jeff!

    I have this problem too.. can this be fixed in the next update release please?!?!

    Thread Starter Jeff Sterup


    This is still not fixed in the current version. Apparently they don’t care about their bad programming.

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