• My site, buysteampunk.com, uses the sociable plug-in at the end of every post. I have the preferences set to use the Sociable stylesheet, however the icons stack vertically and seem to have a li bullet in front of them, wasting a tremendous amount of vertical space on the site. Any suggestion as to what might be causing this?

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  • Thank you websnail, that is the first thing that’s worked for me after reading about 30 different forum posts.

    I have the same problem with vertical icons with >> in front of each one.
    I have upgraded to wp 2.9.1.

    I have tried all the suggestions above but it is still not working?
    I did notice that even with the check box for “sociable.css” switched on that when editing the sociable.css file it was intermmitently active and inactive.

    But I have tried with all above combinations with seemingly no change.

    It is working now. I removed float:left suggestion.
    Moved sociable.css to style.css.

    Waited a while and seems ok now.
    See here:

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