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  • Plugin Author Nick Powers


    Thanks for your interest!

    Can you provide me the URL to your site so I can better understand where you would like to place it?



    I too would like to move the box from the content area to below the post.. I’ve made some image changes and a few styling changes but I’d also like to change the # of posts to something a little more friendly like perhaps ‘read more posts by this author’..
    would this be possible?

    Thread Starter Sarah F


    hi nick, sorry for the delay. News never stops lol.

    Below the tags and above the facebook plugin would be perrrrfect.

    Plugin Author Nick Powers


    Sorry to keep asking questions but what is the name of the Facebook plugin that you are using?

    I am trying to setup my dev site as close to yours as I can.


    Thread Starter Sarah F


    oh questions are fine with me ??

    i’m not using a plug in, i installed the xml code myself ??

    Plugin Author Nick Powers


    If you can tell me how you added the Facebook code to WordPress then I should be able to tell you how to put the social author bio where you want it.

    Thread Starter Sarah F


    sure, after i got the code from facebook here

    then after i hit GET CODE i copied it and place it above my comments code in the single.php which i posted below for you .

    ?php get_header(); ?>

    <ul class=”clearfix”>

    <li id=”left-column”>
    <ul class=”next-prev-post-nav”>

    • <?php previous_post_link(“%link”, “%title”); ?>
    • <?php next_post_link(“%link”, “%title”); ?>
    • <?php if (have_posts()) :
      global $show_author, $post;
      $show_author = 1;
      while (have_posts()) : the_post(); setup_postdata($post);
      else :
      endif; ?>
      <div class=”fb-like-box” data-href=”; data-width=”619″ data-show-faces=”true” data-stream=”false” data-header=”false”></div>
      <?php comments_template(); ?>

      <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

      <?php get_footer(); ?>

    Plugin Author Nick Powers


    In the Social Author Bio Settings make sure you have the Shortcode checkbox selected.

    Next, in the single.php file right before where you pasted the Facebook code paste this in:

    <?php do_shortcode(‘[social-bio]’); ?>

    And you should be all set. ??

    Please let me know how this works for you.


    I’m using <?php do_shortcode(‘[social-bio]’); ?> on the top of archive.php, but I always appears in the footer of the first article. Is there any way to put the plugin on top?

    Thanks !

    Plugin Author Nick Powers


    Let me dig into this deeper and see if I can find an answer. As soon as I know more I will reply to this thread.


    Plugin Author Nick Powers



    If I understand your question then the solution for you would be:

    Un-check Posts in the “When to Display Social Author Bio” section of the settings and make sure Shortcode [social-bio] is checked.

    Add <?php do_shortcode(‘[social-bio]’); ?> to the single.php where you would like it displayed. From the WordPress Codex single.php is “The single post template. Used when a single post is queried. For this and all other query templates, index.php is used if the query template is not present.”

    Let me know how this is working for you and send me a link so I can see what you are.



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