• Line 10 in includes/buttons/button_email.php should be encoding the spaces of the page title.

    $url = 'mailto:?subject='.rawurlencode($title).'&body='.$url;

    Wrapping spans around the Facebook div fb_like button code causes the subsequent social buttons not to render due to validation errors. The code needs to be changed to use div’s:

    Line 73 in includes/buttons/button.facebook.php

    return '<div style="display: inline-block; width: '.$width.'px; height: '.$height.'px; overflow: hidden;">'.$retval.'</div>';

    In social_sharing_toolkit.php

    function get_bookmark_button($button, $url, $title, $type, $display = 'div', $align = '', $id = '', $media = '', $description = '', $text = '', $icon = '') {
    		$retval = '';
    		if ($button == 'ln_break_1' || $button == 'ln_break_2' || $button == 'ln_break_3') {
    			$retval = '</div><div class="mr_social_sharing_wrapper">';
    		} else {
    			$display = "div";
    			foreach ($this->buttons as $tmp) {
    				if (method_exists($tmp, $button)) {
    					$retval = '<'.$display.' style="display: inline-block;" class="mr_social_sharing'.$align.'">'.$tmp->$button($url, $title, $type, $id, $media, $description, $text, $icon).'</'.$display.'>';
    		return $retval;


    <div style="display: inline-block;" class="mr_social_sharing_top">
    <div style="display: inline-block; width: 51px; height: 24px; overflow: hidden;">
    <div class="fb-like" data-href="https://www.domain.com/" data-send="false" data-width="51" data-show-faces="false"></div>


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  • Thank you for this!!

    I still get a lot of Javascript errors in the console due to the bad behavior of the Facebook Like button.


    Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL
    from frame with URL
    Domains, protocols and ports must match.

    Any other possible solution???

    This is great! Thank you!

    Has anyone started using a different social plugin? I don’t like that this developer is hard coding his facebook app id and basically stealing all of the plugin’s users facebook user data.

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