[Plugin: Special Recent Posts] 403 on Thubnail display
Getting an interesting error. When I am loged into the back end SRP works fine. Thumbnails display correctly. However when I come to the site as an anonymous user (i.e. not loged in) I get a 403 Permission Denied when trying to load the SRP generated thubnails.
The url that is trying to be loaded is…wp-content/plugins/special-recent-posts/lib/phpimage.php?width=75&height=75&rotation=no&file=L2hvbWUxL2V4cG9zdXQzL3B1YmxpY19odG1sL3dwLWNvbnRlbnQvdXBsb2Fkcy8yMDEyLzA4LzIwMTIwODEwLTAyMDYwOS5qcGc=
Unfortunately this is not an actual file so its not something I can chmod. My guess is its something to do with .htaccess permissions, but not seing anything in there that could cause this.
I am also looking into two other plugins that might be causing issue; wp-security and wp-supercache. If anyone similar issues or has any suggestions on what I can look at or try any suggestions would be appreciated.
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