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  • Having the same problem since I moved the Blog to a new server. Other plugins continue working fine. Maybe a PHP Version issue? Error log says:

    PHP Warning: call_user_func_array(): Unable to call StrictlyControl::Init() in /(…)/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 395

    WP Version 3.0.4
    Strictly Google Sitemaps Version 1.0.8
    PHP Version 5.2.0

    I have the current version of PHP and WordPress on multiple servers and sites and the plugin shows up in the Settings tab on all websites that use it. Therefore without being able to replicate the problem I cannot debug it.

    Also I am no longer supporting this plugin as

    a) no-one donates any money towards development so I have no incentive to keep working on it.
    b) it works for me and that is the only reason I wrote it.
    c) if people want specific features or changes to the code then I do believe WordPress is Open Source so they can either change the code as much as they like OR pay me for doing the work.
    d) I have just found out I have Cancer so its not really high on my list of priorities.


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