Hi @aprycotmedia
Without looking at their source code, my first guess here (and I’ve only seen this once before) is that they are ONLY registering their endpoints when the website is displaying frontend pages. Since our plugin asks WordPress “what endpoints are registered?” when displaying a page in the admin area, we cannot display any endpoints that WordPress doesn’t know about at the time.
In my opinion there’s really no REASON to not register endpoints in the admin area, so it’s possible you could reach out to the developers of that plugin and ask them to see if they’d be willing to investigate whether this is indeed what’s happening & potentially to change it if they’re willing?
Updating this plugin to handle arbitrary / user-defined endpoints is something that we’ve tossed around as an idea in the past but is quite a lot of work for a very small edge case. But hopefully in the future something like this may be possible.
Thanks for using the plugin, and let me know if you hear any feedback from them!