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  • Hi Camu, no it’s not there, here’s the relevant html snippet:

    <p id="subscribe-reloaded-title-p">Title: <strong>Introductory Post</strong></p><p id="subscribe-reloaded-legend-p">Legend: Y = all comments, R = replies only, C = inactive</p><ul id="subscribe-reloaded-list"><li><strong><input type='checkbox' name='email_list[]' value='' id='e_0'/></strong>
    				<label for='e_0'><span class='subscribe-column-1'>2011-07-22 11:50:04</span>
    					<span class='subscribe-separator subscribe-separator-1'>&mdash;</span>
    					<span class='subscribe-column-2'>Y</span>
    					<span class='subscribe-separator subscribe-separator-2'>&mdash;</span>
    					<span class='subscribe-column-3'>[email protected]</span></label></li>
    <li><input type='checkbox' name='email_list[]' value='' id='e_1'/>
    				<label for='e_1'><span class='subscribe-column-1'>2011-07-22 11:50:32</span>
    					<span class='subscribe-separator subscribe-separator-1'>&mdash;</span>
    					<span class='subscribe-column-2'>Y</span>
    					<span class='subscribe-separator subscribe-separator-2'>&mdash;</span>
    					<span class='subscribe-column-3'>[email protected]</span></label></li>

    Ah, I tried to highlight the relevant bit for the checkbox in bold but of course inside the code block, it left the strong tag in. Don’t be confused by that strong tag being there, it wasn’t in the source code.

    Also width:30px doesn’t appear anywhere in the whole html source file.

    Can you post a screenshot of your options, please?

    Sure, here’s the Comment form tab, where the inline CSS for the checkbox is:

    And in case you need it, here’s the options tab:

    Do you have qTranslate enabled on your site?

    No I don’t. This is my complete list of active plugins:

    Amazon Affiliate Link Localizer
    FeedBurner FeedSmith
    Flash Video Player with HTML5
    Google Analyticator
    Google Custom Search
    Google XML Sitemaps
    Maintenance Mode
    MapPress Easy Google Maps
    Permalink Redirect
    Register Plus
    Social Media Widget
    Subscribe to Comments Reloaded
    WordPress Database Backup
    WP Super Cache

    If you’re willing, if you give me an email address Camu (why is there no private message facility on this forum?!?) I can email you my test site’s details.

    Okay cool. What’s the value for the option Custom HTML under the second tab?

    It’s empty. See screen shots of all the setup pages:

    Comment Form

    Management Page



    I guess in your case the only way to fix it is to add something to your CSS. But it depends on how your theme was built. You should contact those who developed it.


    So what do you think the problem is camu? Do you think the Thesis Theme is interfering with the CSS your plugin is trying to produce? I’ll try a different theme and see if that works.

    Ok, I just tried changing to the new WordPress default “Twenty Eleven 1.1” and the management page looks fine:

    BUT the custom inline CSS width:30px is still not in the source:

    <form action="/blog/2011/04/08/comment-subscriptions/?srp=5" method="post" id="email_list_form" name="email_list_form" onsubmit="if(this.sra[0].checked) return confirm('Please remember: this operation cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to proceed?')">
    <fieldset style="border:0">
    <p id="subscribe-reloaded-title-p">Title: <strong>Introductory Post</strong></p><p id="subscribe-reloaded-legend-p">Legend: Y = all comments, R = replies only, C = inactive</p><ul id="subscribe-reloaded-list"><li><input type='checkbox' name='email_list[]' value='' id='e_0'/>
    				<label for='e_0'><span class='subscribe-column-1'>2011-07-22 11:50:04</span>
    					<span class='subscribe-separator subscribe-separator-1'>&mdash;</span>
    					<span class='subscribe-column-2'>Y</span>
    					<span class='subscribe-separator subscribe-separator-2'>&mdash;</span>
    					<span class='subscribe-column-3'>[email protected]</span></label></li>
    <li><input type='checkbox' name='email_list[]' value='' id='e_1'/>
    				<label for='e_1'><span class='subscribe-column-1'>2011-07-22 11:50:32</span>
    					<span class='subscribe-separator subscribe-separator-1'>&mdash;</span>
    					<span class='subscribe-column-2'>Y</span>
    					<span class='subscribe-separator subscribe-separator-2'>&mdash;</span>
    					<span class='subscribe-column-3'>[email protected]</span></label></li>
    </ul><p id="subscribe-reloaded-select-all-p"><a class="subscribe-reloaded-small-button" href="#" onclick="t=document.forms['email_list_form'].elements['email_list[]'];c=t.length;if(!c){t.checked=true}else{for(var i=0;i<c;i++){t[i].checked=true}};return false;">Select all</a> <a class="subscribe-reloaded-small-button" href="#" onclick="t=document.forms['email_list_form'].elements['email_list[]'];c=t.length;if(!c){t.checked=!t.checked}else{for(var i=0;i<c;i++){t[i].checked=false}};return false;">Invert selection</a></p><p id="subscribe-reloaded-action-p">Action:
    			<input type="radio" name="sra" value="delete" id="action_type_delete" /> <label for="action_type_delete">Delete</label> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
    			<input type="radio" name="sra" value="suspend" id="action_type_suspend" checked="checked" /> <label for="action_type_suspend">Suspend</label> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
    			<input type="radio" name="sra" value="force_y" id="action_type_force_y" /> <label for="action_type_force_y">Set to Y</label> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
    			<input type="radio" name="sra" value="activate" id="action_type_activate" /> <label for="action_type_activate">Activate</label></p><p id="subscribe-reloaded-update-p"><input type="submit" class="subscribe-form-button" value="Update subscriptions" /><input type="hidden" name="srp" value="5"/></p></fieldset>

    No wait, there’s a little misunderstanding here, my fault. The inline CSS is only applied to the checkbox shown to the user TO SUBSCRIBE, not in the management page. In this case you should rely on your CSS only, using the ID’s and classes assigned to each element of this page.


    Ah I see. The main problem is that there is no class applied to the checkbox by your plugin though. There’s a class for all the columns and separators, but nothing on the checkbox for me to hang any CSS off.

    In CSS you don’t need a class for everything, you can also use tag names ??

    #subscribe-reloaded-list input[type=checkbox]{width:30px}


    PS: a vote for my plugin would be a nice way to say thank you!

    Thanks Camu, that CSS works a treat. Following your lead I also fixed the actions radio button, which was doing the same thing. For the benefit of others, here’s the CSS I added to the custom.css file of the Thesis Theme:

    /* Fixes for the Subscribe to Comments management screen layout under the Thesis Theme */
    #subscribe-reloaded-list input[type=checkbox]{width:30px}
    #subscribe-reloaded-action-p input[type=radio]{width:30px}

    And yes of course I have voted for the plugin, and clicked to say it works with WordPress 3.2.1

    Thanks again.

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