• Hello,

    I love this plug! I wanted to know if there’s a way to fix the digest email template. Below is what was sent to my email address when I sent a sample:

    VysuaLyze has posted a new item, ”

    We Need To Talk About Kevin

    ?How would you handle someone you love unconditionally committing a heinous
    crime? How do other people view the relatives or loved ones of someone who
    commits that same unimaginable crime? We’re dieing to see how this film handles
    these questions. Kevin goes on a murderous rampage at his high school killing
    several of his classmates […]

    You may view the latest post at

    You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are
    Best regards,
    [email protected]

    It missing the link after you can view this post here and the beginning format is kind of screwed but the layout works perfect on the per post email notification see below:

    VysuaLyze has posted a new item, ‘We Need To Talk About Kevin’

    ?How would you handle someone you love unconditionally committing a heinous
    crime? How do other people view the relatives or loved ones of someone who
    commits that same unimaginable crime? We’re dieing to see how this film handles
    these questions. Kevin goes on a murderous rampage at his high school killing
    several of his classmates […]

    You may view the latest post at

    You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are
    Best regards,
    [email protected]

    Is there a way to fix the digest email to be exactly like the per post email format. Also, I posted a few posts about 5 mintues away from each other and then sent the digest test email yet it only showed one post in the email and not multiple ones. Is this normal for the preview email?! Thanks so much!


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  • @vysualyze

    The link is below the post title in the digest email. Have a look at the keywords listed at Subscribe2->Settings and you’ll see that some are only for per-psot emails and others are only for digest emails.

    It is not possible to have the 2 emails look totally identical and it is normal for the Preview to contain only one post.

    To clarify your response to VysulLyze, I also sent a preview of a Digest email and it only showed one post when I had posted 2. When you say it is normal for the Preview to contain only one post, do you mean the actual digest email sent to subscribers will list all new posts?


    That’s correct. The Preview email contains only 1 post but ‘live’ digest notifications contain the details of all posts made between the last notification and the current one (provided that the post is not barred from the email for some other reason – like being private or in a blocked category).

    Thread Starter VysuaLyze


    Fully understand! Thanks so much for your response.

    Thanks for that,
    One other thought, In the Send Emails choices can I request there to be an “Occasional” option in addition to daily, twice daily, weekly etc because I’m not updating or adding to the web site/blog every week. When I send the Digest Email it is programmed to say Weekly in the Subject Line. It would be great if it just said “Digest Email”
    All those in favour say Aye!

    Many thanks


    The Digest notifications use the cron schedule intervals defines in WordPress and add the Weekly one to the existing options. If you want something less frequent simply add your own schedule, like this:

    function add_occasional_sched($sched) {
    	$sched['occasional'] = array('interval' => 2419200, 'display' => 'Occasional');
    	return $sched;
    add_filter('cron_schedules', 'add_occasional_sched');

    This would add a 4-weekly (2419200 is how many seconds there are in 4 weeks) but change it to what you like. Add this code to functions.php in your theme or create your own little plugin.

    Thankyou MattyRob

    I am getting some criticism that the Digest Emails look too plain! They want it to be tarted up and include our logo and perhaps a banner across the top.

    Can this be achieved without major surgery or technical chnages?
    Many thanks


    Any HTML code that you would add to the template to place an image in the email would be stripped out as the plugin sends the notifications in plain text.

    You could purchase the HTML version as this would allow HTML code and therefore images to be placed in the notifications.

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