• Resolved Erling


    Thanks for a nice plugin. We love it on the page I’m administering (https://ishojvolley.dk).
    We also use Events Manager – and a wish could be that the subscriber not only get news when we have new posts and pages, but also new events. In other words: That the ‘Subscribe2’ can pick from the events-database also.
    I know this is future – but nevertheless, now I have said it – and this feature would no doubt make ‘Subscribe2’ the second to none
    choice for many thousands.
    Best regards from Denmark.


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  • Andrew



    When I tried the reactivating the plugin again (after removing the same code from subscribe2.php), I got this message on my plugin admin page:

    The plugin generated 2 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.

    I’m using the same versions as you, but continue to get the same weird white screen issues. I even get them on other pages and using other functions, like after I move an event to the trash or even after deactivating a plugin. Sometimes just refreshing will do the trick to fix the white screen, but it’s buggy for sure, on the front and backend (only when using the code via plugin).

    Maybe in future iterations of Subscribe2 there could be a settings box where you could enter custom post type names directly, i.e. where it currently reads “Subscribe2 will send email notifications for the following custom post types: Ai1ec_event” If I were able to input the custom post type right there in the backend, that would be fantastic. And if it would automatically add the notification override to whatever custom post types are added, that would be even better.

    I did, however, figure out how to get my custom post type categories to be available in the featured content drop down menus of the theme options page:

    It used to be:

    <?php wp_dropdown_categories(array(
    					'selected' => ot_option('hp_mid_cat'),
    					'name' => $settings.'[hp_mid_cat]',
    					'orderby' => 'Name' ,
    					'hierarchical' => 1,
    					'show_option_all' => __("All Categories",
    					'organicthemes'), 'hide_empty' => '0'
    )); ?></p>

    Now it’s:

    					$taxonomy     = 'events_categories';
    					$orderby      = 'name';
    					$show_count   = 1;      // 1 for yes, 0 for no
    					$pad_counts   = 0;      // 1 for yes, 0 for no
    					$hierarchical = 1;      // 1 for yes, 0 for no
    					$title        = '';
    					  'taxonomy'     => $taxonomy,
    					  'orderby'      => $orderby,
    					  'show_count'   => $show_count,
    					  'hierarchical' => $hierarchical,
    					  'title_li'     => $title,
    					  'selected'     => ot_option('hp_side_cat'),
    					  'name'         => $settings.'[hp_side_cat]',
    					  'orderby'      => 'Name' ,
    					  'hierarchical' => 1,
    					  'show_option_all' => __("All Events", 'organicthemes'),
    					  'hide_empty' => '0' 
    				)); ?>

    That worked for me.

    Anyhow, thanks again for the spectacularly fast and effective help! And the awesome plugin.


    @andrew / rhdri,

    That error message you are/ were getting is usually down to white space in the plugin files before or after the opening or closing PHP tags. You need to carefully check your file syntax.

    I’ll have a think about adding custom post types that way but there would have to be consideration also of custom taxonomies and also how to add meta boxes to any custom authoring pages. For these latter reasons I currently think a standalone plugin is the better way.

    Thread Starter Erling


    Dear @mattyrob and @rhdi
    I followed your interestering discussions in this thread that I started. For me – being only a skilled WP user/developer with limited selfmade php coding skills – the most was hard to understand. That’s why I support the last suggestion: Hopefully someday somebody can bridge Events Manager and Subscribe2 with a standalone plugin. Thanks for contributing to the issue.
    Best regards



    @mattyrob Huh! Look at that. There was in fact lots of random white space after the end of my PHP tag. I deleted that and now the plugin works perfectly. Brilliant!

    @erling I can’t help you with the Events Calendar plugin unfortunately—this is specific to the All-In-One Events Calendar plugin.

    But in case anyone else is looking for a similar fix and stumbles upon this thread, I’ll share my (actually, @mattyrob’s) solution in full:

    If you are using WordPress 3.4.2 and both the Subscribe2 plugin (version 8.5) and the All-In-One Event Calendar plugin (premium version 1.8.3), this handy little standalone plugin should do the following:
    1. Enable Subscribe2 to send email notifications for your all-in-one events the same way it normally does for posts.
    2. Enable the “Subscribe2 Notification Override” box to appear on all-in-one event authoring pages.

    Link to download the plugin:
    AI1EC-Subscribe2 Plugin

    How to install the plugin:
    1. Download the above zip file.
    2. Follow these directions to upload, install, and activate the zip file.
    3. You’re good to go!

    – Check your “Screen Options” on any event authoring page to ensure that “Subscribe2 Notification Override” is checked.
    – Check your Subscribe2 > Settings page to verify correct plugin installation—the fourth line down should read: “Subscribe2 will send email notifications for the following custom post types: Ai1ec_event”
    – Under Subscribe2 > Settings > Appearance the last line reads “Disable email notifications is checked by default on authoring pages?” If you check this box, the Subscribe2 Notification Override box on each even authoring page will also be checked by default.

    CAVEATS: I can only verify that this plugin works for me—I haven’t done any other testing, at all. I wouldn’t even know how to properly test it if I wanted to.

    Hope this helps some other folks as well. And, if you download the plugin, don’t forget to thank @mattryob for this awesome fix—and for the stellar Subscribe2 email notification plugin!


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