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  • Plugin Author DCoda


    Which version of the plugin are you using?
    It sounds like you have a mandatory field in your survey that was not filled in.
    The field should be highlighted , but it is possible your theme might cause it not to.

    can you post a link to the survey?

    Thread Starter wanderlustroots


    thanks for getting back to me.

    I have the latest version of the plugin as well as the latest version of wordpress.
    I was using the old version of the plugin when all of a sudden one day is was all errors.

    then i just updated to this version today and rewrote a new survey. posted fine, all fields filled in, still will not submit.

    Plugin Author DCoda


    Can you please be specific as to the version you have, also what version were you running prior to the upgrade. And what version was this form created under.

    I can tell from the light red background on the submitted form that it thinks there is a mandatory field missing. But on viewing the html, none of the individual fields are marked as an error.
    Can you post a link to a screen shot of the forms field_definintions screen?
    Also please reset the default form and see if you have any trouble with that.
    Since it was running before I doubt there is a problem with your system, and it passed our testing. So it looks like there must be something about form that is causing it to break.

    Sorry about the problem, and with your help we can find this bug.

    Thread Starter wanderlustroots


    I am using SurveyMe version 3.0.43 with wordpress version 3.3
    This form was created under this version.

    Here are the form field definitions screenshots:

    i dont know how to reset the default form.
    should i delete the other faulty forms from the old version?

    Thread Starter wanderlustroots


    i tried making another survey here:

    and got this as a response

    Invalid query: Unknown column ‘info[wp_user]’ in ‘where clause’ Whole query: SELECT count(*)+1 ‘count’ FROM wp_surveyme_survey2 WHERE Your Email Required = ‘[email protected]’ OR (info[wp_user]=0 AND info[wp_user]!=-1)

    Plugin Author DCoda


    It is strange as before it tries saving anything to the table it makes sure that it has all the fields, since the form might have been changed.
    Please turn off the comment form and try again, just as a test.

    The links did not show the screen shots.

    To reset the default form delete it. Delete only deletes modifications.

    Thread Starter wanderlustroots


    here are the screen shots, sorry

    Thread Starter wanderlustroots


    resetting the default didn’t do anything, at least no that i can tell.

    still trying to figure out how to turn off comment form…

    Plugin Author DCoda


    The new version has just gone through testing, so please try this to see if it fixes your problem, before we update the documentation and release it.

    Thread Starter wanderlustroots


    uploaded this version you suggested.
    still no go.

    *The ONLY time it worked was when I just left the 2 original questions (name and email) and didn’t add any new fields

    As soon as I add new fields it just refreshes the page when i press submit, or it says something like this:

    Invalid query: Identifier name ‘Which of our services are you most interested in[I would like travel advice and consulting services]’ is too long Whole query: ALTER TABLE wp_surveyme_inquiry2 ADD COLUMN Which of our services are you most interested in[I would like travel advice and consulting services] text

    i tried creating a bunch of different surveys and putting them in different places but that didnt work either.

    i turned off the comment forms, disabled and hid them. no luck

    Plugin Author DCoda


    But it does look like the original problem is fixed.

    This problem is due to long questions and long options. The tables field names are made up from the questions and in the case of checkboxes the options also. Though they are truncated to account for the maximum length it seems there was a bug in this. This has been corrected however it is best to keep the questions and options as cons ice as possible.
    I’ll release another beta for you in a while.

    Plugin Author DCoda


    This should fix the problem you are having with the length of the questions and options.
    Bear in mind that they will be truncated to 30 character each in the table.

    you can use the expanded prompt if you have a very long question, but you do still need to set the concise prompt to something unique.

    Please let us know if this fixes the problem. Then we will continue our testing and update the documentation and release it.

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