LOL I thought so to. ?? It’s because I have a lot of non-techie newbies on one of my sites. To give you an idea of who’s visiting, it’s the people who still don’t understand why they shouldn’t paste stuff from MS Word into their WP post. But hey, ya gotta start somewhere.
Several people commented that when they double-clicked to copy, it only highlighted the word they clicked on. Basically, they got frustrated with all the nonproductive clicking.
I figured out that they were double-clicking but not clicking away before they tried to highlight again. These folks like the “push button” ease.
This isn’t a problem on my business site. This is where I actually post code, not just plain text, like on the “newbie” site. These readers are more tech savvy and have the patience to troubleshoot on their own.
Having said all of that, the click/button issue isn’t the major problem for me. It’s the fact that there isn’t a line wrap. Since I use the plugin to share entire articles with affiliates, the wrap feature is very very important to me.
Anywho, thanks for listening.