Great idea. I added this to the latest release + fixed a few minor issues with WP_DEBUG set to true. As of version 0.3, you can now filter the text. Here are a few examples:
* Filter dropdown text for all taxonomies.
add_filter( 'taxonomy-widget-show-option-none', 'mytheme_show_options_none' );
function mytheme_show_options_none( $text ) {
return 'Custom text for all taxonomies.';
* Filter dropdown text for the category taxonomy.
add_filter( 'taxonomy-widget-show-option-none-category', 'mytheme_show_options_none_category' );
function mytheme_show_options_none_category( $text ) {
return 'Custom category text.';
* Filter dropdown text for the post_tags taxonomy.
add_filter( 'taxonomy-widget-show-option-none-post_tag', 'mytheme_show_options_none_tags' );
function mytheme_show_options_none_tags( $text ) {
return 'Custom tag text.';