how do i create a custom register form???
Complete custom register forms are currently not possible, sorry
can the time be alter to include hours:minutes
Not yet, but it’s a interested feature request
best way to get a custom look and feel??
You find in the plugin directory under ‘css’ the file teachpress_front.css. Cut out the source and copy all in your theme CSS. Now, edit what you want
settings teachPress > Courses >> what’s exactly the difference use or relationship between Courses of Studies vs Term vs Types of Courses
Where is now direct relationship between this three. You only define, what is available in the select menus
how do i set the course of studies and show a list of course of studies.
I’m not sure what you mean with “set the course of studies”? – showing a list of courses of studies is not possible
where in wp_teachpress_courses table does the course of studies gets saved??
Courses of studies are not saved there. Courses of studies are only have a relationship to users.
i see parent but how to use this???
A parent course is a normal course with sub courses. You can set a course in other courses as a parent (if the course has no parents themselves). It’s only a relationship between courses, not more.
i like to use course of studies a the parent