i forgot to elaborate on my earlier opinion… sorry about that.
if the reoccurring has an a unique ID then its possible for it to be stored in a table to be selected in later wordpress event posts…
Just let its selection update the date/event time of the original post or let the user select it in a new post he or she creates.
thats how the eventbrite version of this plugin works.
But still the facebook feature is most important to me. that would luanch this plugin to new heights.
Methinks they aren’t working outside the box…
Christ….lol. Give each event a uniqie identifier….
And let it be imported into a new post. Like we do weith eventbrite. It doesn’t have to create the post for us…
Unless it could just sticky it on the days it repeats…
I don’t think its that hard… Not like they say.
I really need to be able to create a facebook event from wordpress. That would be cooler.