• mikeyleungca-1


    Hi there,

    Just wondering if anybody out there has done work with integrating TDO Mini Forms with the Events Calendar plugin.

    I’m working on it now and am really a bit new to form submissions, etc. What I need to know is how to get TDO Mini Forms to submit information to the Events Calendar fields of the database so that an users can submit events into our site.

    I’d consider this somewhat of a holy grail for Events Management on a WordPress site! Community-enabled submissions would be VERY useful in my mind.

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  • I want to know the same thing! I’m betting it can be done by creating the right set of custom fields in TDO Mini forms, but a little tutorial would be nice. I see that you posted this three months ago – any progress? Let me know!

    Yes I would love to see this feature as well

    Just got it figured out. Here are the steps:
    1) Download TDO Mini Forms
    2) Use TDO Mini Forms to create a custom form
    3) Set the form to create a post
    4) Set the category to ‘events’
    Use custom fields with the following parameters

    _isEvent – set to ‘yes’ (no quotes)
    _EventStartDate – set to the date in YYYY-MM-DD
    _EventEndDate – set to the date in YYYY-MM-DD

    6) Bingo, events show up on the calendar!

    Any questions, let me know.

    Hi. I am also looking for a calendar script that integrates with WP and allows users to submit their own community events. I am currently using Web Calendar: https://www.k5n.us/webcalendar.php but it doesn’t integrate with WP. We also want admins to be able to approve events before they appear on the site.

    Is this possible with the TDO Mini Forms integration described above?

    Please list other options if known. Thanks!

    Hi mjolnir7,

    I am sorry, but i am not so good in this stuff, so could you please give me a detailed description for step 5?
    You can send me a mail ([email protected]) if you prefer.

    p.s.: a screenshot would be nice^^


    Here’s what I did exactly (your domain spit back an error when I tried to email you):
    Go into “Form Creator” and make a new form.
    Modify the “Custom Field” region – you’re going to want at least three.

    Drag the custom fields into the “Your Form” region.

    Custom Field 1
    Custom Field Key = _isEvent
    Type = Hidden Field
    Default Value = Yes

    Custom Field 2
    Title = “Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)”
    Custom Field Key = _EventStartDate
    Type = Text Field

    Custom Field 3
    Title = “End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)”
    Custom Field Key = _EventEndDate
    Type = Text Field

    Let me know if you need any more help.

    Thank you !

    Dame, the email is @budo-blog.de and not @udo-blog.de. Sorry, my fault.
    Ok, now i understand it ??
    … but there is another problem. The post is created, but it’s only shown in the calendar if i open the post in the backend and press the refresh button(i submit it as Admin and activate the automatically publish function). Any ideas?

    Again, thank you very much!

    Hey there,

    Is there a place where I can see the names for all the fields that The Events Calendar uses? I’m trying using TMO Mini Forms to allow users to submit their own events and the above post from mjolnir7 got me pointed in the right direction.

    Specifically, I’m having trouble with the start and end times.

    When I look at the source code of the New Post page with The Event Calendar fields in it, the time fields are all separated and I haven’t been able to figure out the one field name to use to make the starting and end time show up on the resulting post.

    Thanks for any help you can give.



    As far as the start and end times, the parameters are “_EventStartDate” and “_EventEndDate” respectively, as mjolnir7 kindly tells us.


    ey guys, do you know the parameters I need to use if I want to submit using TDO Mini Forms the event description (such as post content) and other details such as Venue, Country, Address, City, Postal Code, Phone and Cost (basically all the characteristics of an event) ?

    Are the names of the input fields the actual parameters ? For example for city it is EventCity…



    I could not get any of this to work. I followed your instructions. I have my homepage, and then I have an event page where the events post to. When I hit submit on the form it just posts people’s submission to my homepage. It seems to not integrate with The Event Calendar at all.

    I added everything exactly as you said. If anyone else can help or know what I am doing wrong I would appreciate it.

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