Hey eworldlinx.
Pro is just additional features. It doesn’t “fix” anything that people might have wrong in core. I see people write that a lot in the last couple days and no matter how often I say it, people still get that impression. I’m not sure how to make it any clearer but I would love advice if you have some insight.
As for a premature release, you have no idea how much QA we did on 2.0. It was far from pre-mature. We understand that not all upgrades will go smoothly and we are here to help. With 100k+ themes in this world, and custom code on top of that, perfect integration is impossible.
As for notice, we have put one everywhere that we can. There was an update coming soon notice every month in the forum for the last few months. The home page of the plugin has had a notice for 3 months. We can’t let you know from the old plugin because we don’t have access to that code. I hear your frustration, but trust me in the fact that we are working this from every angle we have access to.
I’ll head over to https://tri.be/support/forums/topic/events-list-vs-calendar/#post-9877 to help you with the upgrade. =)