• Hi there,
    I’m using a child theme based on the new twentyten thweme in WordPress 3.0, its not very technical (like me) so is just really there for CSS styling etc – so I’ve not changed any of the complicated coding on the pages.

    I’ve tried pulling in the events-list-load-widget-display.php file into my new EVENTS folder – but it doesn;t register any changes. The other files in the EVENTS folder work great. Its just this one that doesn’t seem to work.

    Is there anything that I can do to give it kick to make it work? or is it possible for me to copy the whole chunk of content and put it into a div on my page templates?

    Sorry if this is a bit basic. I appreciate any help you can give me.

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  • Hi,

    I did not get a chance to test on a child theme, but I rewrote how the override template is looked for since it had some holes.

    Can you try the following and let me know if it finds your template?

    In the file events-list-widget.class.php, replace the entire if / else-if clause beginning on line 62 with the following:

    if( $posts ) {
    					/* Display list of events. */
    						if( function_exists( 'get_events' ) ) {
    							echo '<ul class="upcoming">';
    							$templateOverride = locate_template( array( 'events/events-list-load-widget-display.php' ) );
    							$templateLoc = $templateOverride ? $templateOverride : dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/views/events-list-load-widget-display.php';
    							foreach( $posts as $post ) {
    								include( $templateLoc );
    							echo "</ul>";
    							$wp_query->set('eventDisplay', $old_display);
    						/* Display link to all events */
    						echo '<div class="dig-in"><a href="' . $event_url . '">' . __('View All Events', $this->pluginDomain ) . '</a></div>';
    				} else if( !$noUpcomingEvents ) _e('There are no upcoming events at this time.', $this->pluginDomain);



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