Ok, i had it all wrong :p
What i did was create a function which calls the $pm instance of the PiecemakerMain class.
The function goes like this, and should be placed inside your functions.php file
* Function to use piece maker outside post content
function display_piecemaker($att = null){
global $pm;
$att = array(
'id' => $att,
echo $pm->replaceBooks($att);
Then you would call this function from anywhere on your template like this, being 1 the id of the desired piecemaker:
display_piecemaker(array('id' => 1));
The second way of calling it, is because you can also pass the width and height as parameters (use them as array keys in the array).
This function should work on the original plugin since i’ve been fiddling around with it and changing a lot of stuff.
If it doesn’t work as is just ask and please attach the errors it may spit out ??