• Hello,

    I thought we had a winner with this plugin, but we have had to revert back to Multipost MU By Warren Harrison because ThreeWP Broadcast keeps crashing our server before it completes the broadcasting to all sites on the network.

    This is occurring on a WP3.3.2 multisite installation with about 50 sites.
    When it crashes the server only some sites have received the Broadcast. Featured images do not stay attached even when the image broadcasts successfully.

    If the Broadcast is retried, then duplicate posts are created on every site that did receive the first broadcast which is a mess to fix.

    I have not tested broadcasting to only 3 or 4 sites.

    It would be great if whatever is overloading the server could be throttled so the broadcast has time to complete without crashing the server.

    I would donate toward this fix.

    Phil D


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  • Experiencing the same issue. Still running WP 3.3.2, about 60 sites and counting (non spam, for certain. The MU installation supports nonprofits.)

    Also willing to donate for a fix for threewp-broadcast.


    @soobahkdo: Can you provide a link to Multipost MU? I can locate the plugin in the directory.

    Thread Starter SooBahkDo


    Hello redpupmedia,

    It appears the plugin has been removed from the repository.
    We still have it installed and the info is
    Version v2.3 | By Warren Harrison

    About ThreeWP Broadcast
    Once we got stray deleted site references out of the database so that all sites on the install are valid, Three WP Broadcast works ok when broadcasting to only a few 3-4 site. Any more and it gets a bellyache as described above.

    Thanks SooBahkDo. Any chance you could zip the old plugin and send it my way?

    And @edward mindreantre, let us know if you can look into this please! Love the plugin, just need it to not crash the server once the site count increases.

    Thread Starter SooBahkDo


    Perhaps the crashing of the sever could be mitigated by modeling the way Worpress Update Network functions.

    It steps through five sites, then five more, then five more which appears may be limiting the server load by breaking up the task into smaller tasks. ???

    If broadcasting is targeting more than 5 site (i.e., 20 or 30) and it only processed about 5 at a time, then the crashing issue might be avoided???????

    That sounds like a great solution.


    I’m up against this problem as well, on an older version of the plugin. I’m looking into writing the sql statements to a flat file, put that flat file in a queue and tackle them in the order they came in outside of the realm of a single php script executing, which has its limitations.

    That said, we’ve found success doing a few blogs at a time.

    Out of curiosity, what version of the plugin are y’all using?


    Thread Starter SooBahkDo


    Version 2.11 | By edward mindreantre | Visit plugin site | Last Updated: 2012-07-18

    I ran into this same issue. I ended up running a text search in ssh to find “memory_limit” and it said there was a reference in /wp-includes/default-constants.php and changed:

    define( 'WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );


    define( 'WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT', '7000M' );

    (set this to a lower number based on your available ram)

    and that did the trick for me.

    Thread Starter SooBahkDo


    Update: I discovered that with our memory limit at 576M we can broadcast to 10 subsite without any error, but not 11.

    I have not tried changing the memory, but based on other posts increasing the memory may increase the number of subsites we can broadcast to without error.

    It would be nice if the plugin throttled itself via some means so that tinkering with memory was not required in order to prevent server crashing regardless of the qty of subsites being broadcast to. Understandably it would take longer to brodcast to say 100 sites using only 256M than if it was possible using 7000M, but the user friendliness of the plugin managing broadcasting within available memory limits seems preferable to generating server errors that users then spend time chasing.

    Or perhaps at minimum adding to the documentation some kind of blogs broadcasted per available memory ratio warning for users would help as well.

    I had to increase the memory but also the timeout length. This gave the script time to go to each blog and publish the new post.

    This is in the php.ini file.

    max_execution_time = 300
    max_input_time = 240
    memory_limit = 1024M

    I also had the issue of using a plugin that would send out an email to a list of subscribers for each post. This consumed lots of time and memory as some blogs had over 500 subscription users. So every blog would publish and then also send out the emails. The server got really busy.

    This works for me with over 30 blogs that I broadcast to from a subsite.

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