What I did to get video thumbnails is pasting in thumbnailforexcerpts.php after:
//last try, for images with src without quotes
preg_match_all('~src=([^\'"]+) ~', $first_image, $matches);
this code:
if(empty($src)){ // if no images found, try to find a youtube video
preg_match_all('~\[youtube [^\>]*\]~', $content, $matches); // find the youtube quicktag
$first_image = $matches[0][0];
preg_match_all('~\[youtube ([^\'"]+)\]~', $first_image, $matches); // extract the videoId
$src="https://img.youtube.com/vi/" . $matches[1][0] . "/2.jpg"; // get the thumbnail from the middle frame of the video
if(empty($src)){ // if no images found, try to find a vimeo video
preg_match_all('~\[vimeo [^\>]*\]~', $content, $matches); // find the vimeo quicktag
$first_image = $matches[0][0];
preg_match_all('~\[vimeo ([^\'"]+)\]~', $first_image, $matches); // extract the videoId
$hash = unserialize(file_get_contents("https://vimeo.com/api/v2/video/".$matches[1][0].".php")); // retrieve serialized data about video and put it in an array
$src=$hash[0]['thumbnail_medium']; // show 200px thumbnail
if(empty($src)){ // if no images found, try to find a google video
preg_match_all('~\[googlevideo [^\>]*\]~', $content, $matches); // find the googlevideo quicktag
$first_image = $matches[0][0];
preg_match_all('~\[googlevideo ([^\'"]+)\]~', $first_image, $matches); // extract the videoId
$hash = file_get_contents("https://video.google.com/videofeed?docid=" . $matches[1][0]); // retrieve xml about video
preg_match_all('~media:thumbnail url=[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"]~',$hash,$matches); // find thumbnail url in xml
$src = $matches[1][0];
This script will get the thumbnails from the video host servers, if there are no images found.
You should have VideoWarrior or similar plugin to use the [youtube videoId] tags.