• O plugin n?o está traduzindo o conteúdo como deveria.
    Alguém sabe alguma causa provável para esse erro?
    agrade?o desde já.

    The plugin is not translating the content as it should.
    Does anyone know any probable cause for this error?
    thanks in advance.

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  • Shouldn’t you be voicing your concerns over at that plugin’s support channel? That would help that whole community out if there’s a problem and then a solution is found.

    Thread Starter enz0g


    Consegui achar a solu??o, na realidade n?o sei o que acontece mas algumas vezes a tradu??o é feita mas n?o aparece quando olhamos o site no navegador logado como admin, mas se abrir a página em navegador anonimo, aparece a tradu??o feita, ao menos foi assim comigo neste caso.

    I can find a solution, in reality I do not know what happens, but sometimes the translation is done, but does not appear when you look at the site in any browser logged in as administrator, but opens a page in the anonymous browser, appears the translation done, at least It was like that with me in this case.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by enz0g.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by enz0g.
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