Try <?php tweet_this_manual(); ?>
which displays the Tweet This link and all the enabled extended services in a p tag in a div just like automatic insertion. If you see the Tweet This block twice, add <?php remove_filter('the_content', 'insert_tweet_this'); ?>
to the top of the theme file. You don’t have to edit the Tweet This options and your specified options will continue to affect the Tweet This links.
If you don’t want the p tag or div, you can use <?php echo str_replace(array('<div class="tweetthis" style="text-align:left;"><p>', '</p></div>'), array('', ''), get_tweet_this_manual()); ?>
or edit the TT_PREFIX and TT_SUFFIX constants defined in tt-config-sample.php file and rename it tt-config.php. Make sure to not use WordPress automatic plugin update afterward to avoid overwriting the file.
You can also use <?php tweet_this($service); ?>
to display the icon and link for only one service, i.e. <?php tweet_this('twitter'); ?>
, <?php tweet_this('facebook'); ?>
, <?php tweet_this('myspace'); ?>
, etc. If you use these functions, you should disable auto-insertion for Twitter and each extended services in the options to avoid duplicate links. tweet_this();
accepts the parameters $service, $tweet_text, $link_text, $title_text, $icon_file, $a_class, $img_class, $img_alt
in that order, but all of them are optional.
There is more information in the FAQ and source code. Use Ctrl + F as both are very lengthy…