@danperron Thanks for the update, I can now abandon the web interface for updating posts.
it was my understanding that if you sent a url to the API and a shortlink already existed with that key, it would simply return that shortlink instead of creating a new one.
It should work in theory but unfortunately bit.ly’s system of detecting duplicate URLS breaks if you use a URL with some additional parameters, for example adsense UTM parameters, which I found out the painful way after installing a UTM tracking plugin combined with a social bookmarking plugin that had a bit.ly API feature, resulted in 800 new duplicate URLS spamming my bit.ly account over a 3hr period.
https://www.site.com/dir/post/?utm_source=… etc
Bit.ly doesn’t recognize that these will go to the same page and will produce a new URL.
But I digress, on this occasion the new bit.ly URL was my fault as I slightly changed the post title before updating.