• I’ve done all the required steps in Twitter Dev tools to set my blog up as an app to use Twitter tools. When I post it’s still not sending my posts to Twitter. I made the access level read-write, inserted the consumer key and secret, and access token and access token secret, and updated the plugin settings. Still nothing. I consider myself an advanced WordPress user who knows code very well. What am I missing here?

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  • @wphelpcenter: I did but nothing’s happened. Well, I don’t have a problem while I had OAuth (I followed the instructions and doing fine), but the tweets still won’t show up on my blog…

    I’ve retried, resetting tokens. It says “Yay! we connected to Twitter, ” but no post is retrieved on twitter.

    Resolved the problem too. I did exactly as arwen54 said. Delete the Access Token app (https://dev.twitter.com/apps/…), register anew and it should work.

    I don’t know what I’m supposed to put in the Application Name or Description box when registering the app. Every Twitter Tools-type name I put in has been used. The “easy” step-by-step instructions don’t say what to put in every field, so, I’m completely lost.

    Verionicamae — This should help explain the application name for you — https://tinyurl.com/ttappname

    Kahil — The latest version of Twitter Tools was released specifically for the Oauth change that Twitter.com put in place. If it’s still not working for you after following the other possible fixes mentioned in this thread (such as deleting the app and recreating it making sure read/write access is enabled, etc), then I suggest you contact Twitter. Their API doesn’t really return very useful error messages with this so it’s been difficult tracking things down. I will say though that it is working for MANY other users, so running around the forums screaming it isn’t working at all and that the dev needs to update it is false and neither accomplishing much nor helps anyone.

    I too am seeing this error:

    Oops, your tweet was not posted. Please check your blog is connected to Twitter and Twitter is up and running happily.

    Do we have a fix yet?


    I see this:

    $connection->[http_header][status] => 401 Unauthorized

    Although, there is no explanation for this.

    I am still unable to get this to work and have done all of the following.

    1. disabled the plug-in, un-installed it and confirmed that the folders on my web server were deleted. Then re-installed the plug-in.

    2. Deleted my registered application on dev.twitter.com/apps and confirmed when registering a new app that the settings were all configured properly and that I received a new set of consumer key/secret and access token/secret.

    3. re-entered these new sets of keys into the plug-in configuration page.

    I still get the error: Authentication Failed. Please check your credentials and make sure Twitter is up and running.

    Im not sure about your problem guys, but for me problem was with tweet length. It was worked with <140 and did nothing with >140. I think you guys should try to activate bit.ly posting and it might work for you. Just check if your tweet more than 140 symbols.

    Length isn’t a problem here. I tried simply “testing” and it didn’t work either.

    I am on the understanding that the issue is with oauth which is why it’s returning an unauthorised error 401.

    @morrisondon & @ brianpurkiss you guys may have found this already but for someone new maybe it will still be relevant.

    If you get this error:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or ‘}’ in /{your local server path}/wp-content/plugins/twitter-tools/twitteroauth.php on line 19

    It has been reported to a PHP4 issue and upgrading to PHP5 will fix it. I have found also that while your host may list PHP5 as available/installed some host (Lunarpages for example) are running PHP4/PHP5 both and you need to verify your .php files are being processed under PHP5.

    For Lunarpages customers this can be done by logging into cPanel and choosing the “PHP Configuration” near the bottom. Make sure to choose “PHP 5” in the drop-down box on the resulting page (mine was set to “System Default”).

    If your host is unwilling/unable to upgrade to PHP5 I would recommend finding a new host. FWIW, I have over all been happy with Lunarpages YMMV.

    Oops, your tweet was not posted. Please check your blog is connected to Twitter and Twitter is up and running happily.
    pls fix it this error



    After updating everything today I’m still seeing this error when trying to submit a tweet:

    Oops, your tweet was not posted. Please check your blog is connected to Twitter and Twitter is up and running happily.

    I’ve checked and confirmed that the blog is connected and twitter is up and running.

    Can the author please advise further?

    I have attempted to contact alexkingorg/crowdfavorite yet I don’t seem to get a response.

    Has this project been abandoned?




    I also installed Twitter Tools but I dont know why my blog posts are not sent to twitter. I have the actual WP version in German and the actual version of twitter tools installed. I also set up and checked again the Access and Consumer numbers at the settings in Twitter and WP. Is somebody here able to support me with the setup? I can also provide printscreens or more informations if needed. Thanks in advance for your help




    Don’t expect a reply, this plugin is dead.

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