Hiya! Same thing happening here. Using bones-responsive framework, not in a subdirectory. My other plugins are askimet, gtrans, wordpress SEO by Yost, and WP Total Hacks. The only other piece of info I can offer is that I am using a small function to add custom styles to the tinymce editor, which I will include at the bottom of this post.
I have disabled my other plugins but that has not helped.
Oddly enough, though the editor area looks blank, the text is all there! I can use my mouse to highlight the textfield and see all of my text. It is as if the font color has been changed to white? This is only it the HTML editor. I can’t even get the WYSIWYG tab to load. When I click on the ‘text’ tab, the whole box just collapses.
Anyway- please don’t think that I am complaining ?? I just thought that it looked like an awesome plugin, and I am happy that others are able to use it. I was just hoping to provide details with my experience.
Thank you for your time,
/***************** CUSTOM STYLES FOR TINYMCE EDITOR ***************/
function themeit_mce_buttons_2( $buttons ) {
array_unshift( $buttons, 'styleselect' );
return $buttons;
add_filter( 'mce_buttons_2', 'themeit_mce_buttons_2' );
function themeit_tiny_mce_before_init( $settings ) {
$settings['theme_advanced_blockformats'] = 'p,a,div,span,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,tr,';
$style_formats = array(
array( 'title' => 'Heading Text', 'block' => 'H1', 'classes' => 'section-intro' ),
array( 'title' => 'Green Button', 'inline' => 'span', 'classes' => 'button button-green' ),
array( 'title' => 'Rounded Button', 'inline' => 'span', 'classes' => 'button button-rounded' ),
array( 'title' => 'Other Options' ),
array( 'title' => '½ Col.', 'block' => 'div', 'classes' => 'one-half' ),
array( 'title' => '½ Col. Last', 'block' => 'div', 'classes' => 'one-half last' ),
array( 'title' => 'Callout Box', 'block' => 'div', 'classes' => 'callout-box' ),
array( 'title' => 'Highlight', 'inline' => 'span', 'classes' => 'highlight' )
$settings['style_formats'] = json_encode( $style_formats );
return $settings;
add_filter( 'tiny_mce_before_init', 'themeit_tiny_mce_before_init' );
(function from https://wpsnipp.com/index.php/functions-php/creating-custom-styles-drop-down-in-tinymce/)