FYI the css file is way buggy. It’s okay on the stock 2010/11 theme and a few various themes but you’ll def need to tweak it yourself to be perfect with your theme.
The folder structure of the raw files is labeled well enough to get it.
I’ve been displaying the reviews in full width footer widget. Depending on where you what them you’ll need to adjust some hardcoded PHP in your theme. If you don’t know much CSS, Firebug and IE dev tools will be your best friend in learning what adjustments to make, just start with adjusting for IE first and the rest gets easier from there.
There is a single-review file which when you copy it to your theme folder will display just one specific review.
(ie. /reviews/some_1.html)
There is also an all reviews template file which when you copy it into the theme will display all reviews on one page. Depending on the number of reviews you are posting, and your server power you might have errors displaying every review. (With netsol shared hosting over 100 reviews bugs out). You might need to limit the amount, it won’t be all reviews, but you can do a huge chunk of reviews all on one page.
(ie. the filtered reviews page on yelp without a captcha and a noindex tag, except you run it on your own site)
On Line 24
<?php $args = array('post_type' => 'reviews', 'numberposts' => 100, 'orderby' => 'rand' );
You can adjust the number of reviews to pull and also the order of reviews, by default this is set to rand (self explainitory).
The other options are asc (ascending) or desc (obviously).
Coming someday soon:
Global/Customs Links on the Reviews
Shortcodes (display one specific or a category of reviews)
Sort reviews by query string or page title.
Global Settings Admin Menu
A whole bunch of general improvements, when I can invest more time.
Hope this helps,