• Hi Syamil,

    thank you very much for your great plugin.

    I was wondering if you plan any updates for the plugin? Becauase, it was quite a while from your latest update, so I started to wonder if there are gonna be any … ??

    One “technical” question – I created Row block using your column block to be able to have non-resizable full-width block that can contain other blocks. It works great, except I can’t add column block inside – it starts some kind of infinite loop … I would like to be able to add column inside the row – and off course, that columns can get other blocks.

    I don’t want full solution – just maybe a pointer in right direction …



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  • I have the same problem with infinite loop.

    @prelevicm: It is impolite to interrupt another poster’s ongoing thread unless you are posting a solution or suggestion. It causes significant problems for the forum’s volunteers and prevents us from being able to track issues by topic. Please post your own topic.


    I’m sorry about that, I did not want to interrupt anyones thread, all I wanted is to confirm that I am having exact same issue and did not want to create duplicated topic.



    In the file aq-column-block.php there is this part of code

    if($blocks) {
    				foreach($blocks as $key => $child) {
    					global $aq_registered_blocks;
    					//get the block object
    					$block = $aq_registered_blocks[$id_base];
    					if($parent == $col_order) {

    I think that is causing the problem, it is used to show blocks inside of the column. I hope this is some pointer for you, if you solve this issue please share, I will do also ??

    Plugin Author Syamil MJ


    @anydog – Yes, there’s a planned update. Thank you for the support ??


    Thread Starter Micemade


    @prelevicm – off course – I will try to solve this – I already had some short efforts in trying … no luck, though …

    If and when I solve this, I will definitely post it here, I must contribute back to great WP community ??

    (hvala kolega – sori na engleskom, ali da ipak mogu svi pratiti … ;))

    @syamil – thanks for your answer, and also BIG thanks for all your work

    Kolega (nisam ni primetio :)) ),

    This is what I have done to stop the infinite loop

    if($child['id_base'] !== 'aq_column_block'){
                   if($parent == $col_order) {

    I have just placed if statement in aq_column_block.php and that is stopping it from infinite loop, but then I am having problem displaying modules inside the column, they display inside of it and create another one (same) outside of it. That is my next step for solving ??


    I think I have managed to find a solution.
    First of all you should add (edit) code from previous post to your aq_column_block.php, you will easily find it. I have just added ‘if($child[‘id_base’] !== ‘aq_column_block’){‘, it will stop infinite loop.

    Now open your ‘Row block’ and (if you copied everything from column) you should find similar code to mine and similar to column code.
    It should look something like this

    if($child['id_base'] == 'aq_column_block'){
          if($parent == $col_order) {

    This part of code will tell page builder that only $child[‘id_base’] with value aq_column_block will be foreached.

    I think that should do the trick, if you have any problems let me know and if you run into any bugs please let me know so I can fix them on my plugin modification.

    Ziveo ??

    Thread Starter Micemade


    @Prelevic Milos – Oh, I haven’t noticed your posts (I checked “Notify me of follow-up posts via email”, but I got no email ..) .

    How did you edit “aq_column_block.php” – directly in plugin or did you extend the class ? Because, in case of plugin updates … you know.

    I will definitely give this a try (I had other coding last couple of days) and, in case of issues will post here …

    A kako ?e? i primjetiti kad imam takav nick … ?? Meni je “prelevic” iz tvog (biv?eg?) nicka (prelevicm) “zazvonio” poznato … ?? Hvala na ovome ??

    I had some issues with saving modules when one (fullwidth) module contains 2 column modules and after that I add other column modules out of the fullwidth module. So, I have failed making fullwidth module and gave up on it ??

    I hope you make succeed with it ??

    Thread Starter Micemade


    @syamil MJ – could you please tell us ( if that’s not too much to ask ?? ), what are the major features/changes you are doing for the next version of AQPB ?

    Thanks in advance …

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