• Hi,

    I am using UAM with the option “hide entire pages” enabled.
    This in order to hide locked pages from navigation menu’s
    And I use the theme my login plugin for registerd users to login

    My registered users are notified of new posts by an email that contains the url to the post. When they click on the url, they are taken to a 404 page because of the “hide entire pages” setting.

    Is there a way to present a login instead and then take them to the correct page?

    Thx –


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  • Hello,
    I have the same issue. Any suggestions or solutions would be appreciated. Thanks!

    I am also having the same issue. Have either of you solved this yet? Does anyone have any suggestions for how to do this?


    Hey, I ran into this thinking it was an error, but got it to work by tweaking the UAM settings. You could try this:

    • Hide Complete Pages -> No
    • Hide Page Title -> Yes
    • Page Title -> ‘Log In To View!’
    • Page Content -> ‘[LOGIN_FORM]’
    • Hide Page Comments -> Yes
    • Page Comment Text -> (i left mine blank)
    • Allow Page Comments -> No

    For me, this set up a seemingly custom page, even though the URL and page browser title stayed the same. Works ok though… hides the entire page (like you want, I think) and still allows you to show a login form.

    ALSO! Heh.. Hiding complete pages only works for pages! Seems that if you want to hide your custom post types (or other posts of any sort) you need to make those settings on the “Hide complete posts” section as well.

    One downside to Eric’s solution is that locked posts now show up on the home page. The content is hidden still, but I’d rather not seeing any locked posts on the home page.

    Additionally, when using other plugins that render posts (eg. List Category Posts), the excerpts and titles still show up; whereas with Hide Complete Posts, nothing shows up.

    For my purposes it means that users coming in on links to locked posts don’t get to login directly, but they do for pages….at least until I can think of a way around it.

    very true, I didn’t think of that.

    I may just Hide Complete Posts and make a custom 404 page that has a message to the effect of:

    Don’t know if 404 or you don’t belong. Login to find out!?!?!?

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