• I’m using the latest version of wordpress and Safari as my browser in Mac OS X. I just installed “User Avatar”. I only have a couple other plugins installed. One of the plugins that I am using is “Theme My Login”. When I click on the remove link to remove the uploaded picture, it doesn’t work. Nothing happens. I tried refreshing the page and even reinstalling the plugin. After I reinstalled the plugin, the same picture was still not removed from the profile, it was still there. I tried changing permissions of the avatars folder containing the photos, that didn’t help either.

    I have one more question. Is there a way to show the user the updated avatar in the user profile without having to refresh the profile page, so immediately after the avatar has been updated via the thickbox?


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  • Thread Starter robot6


    I just updated the plugin to the latest version, it’s still not removing the photo. Any help would be much appreciated.

    I had the same problem. Not sure which plugin’s fault it is, but the solution is to edit the TML code.

    In wp-content/plugins/theme-my-login/modules/themed-profiles/themed-profiles.php, the code block specifically starting off with

    function init() {
    		global $pagenow;

    (around line 23)

    should be changed to:

    function init() {
    		global $pagenow;
    		if ( isset ( $_GET['delete_avatar'] ) ) { }
    		elseif ( 'profile.php' == $pagenow && !isset( $_REQUEST['page'] ) ) {
    			$redirect_to = add_query_arg( 'action', 'profile', $GLOBALS['theme_my_login']->get_login_page_link() );
    			$redirect_to = add_query_arg( $_GET, $redirect_to );
    			wp_redirect( $redirect_to );

    It is an ugly, terrible, nasty fix but I have found it to work, and since I have meager knowledge of PHP, it is the best I can do.

    You will also want to change UA code as follows:

    Line 739 of user-avatar.php (at least in the latest version) should read:
    $remove_url = admin_url('profile.php')."?delete_avatar=true&_nononce=". wp_create_nonce('user_avatar')."&u=".$profile->ID;

    Comment that out (just in case!) and throw in:
    $remove_url = "https://THEURLTOYOURSITEGOESHERE/wp-admin/profile.php"."?delete_avatar=true&_nononce=". wp_create_nonce('user_avatar')."&u=".$profile->ID;

    Plugin Contributor Enej Bajgori?


    Thanks Kawinma for helping with the forum.

    If there is a way I could the User Avatar Plugin to make this bug go away let me know. And I can change the plugin.


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