• Great plugin. That′s one of those which should be implemented into core ?? But there′s one missing point: An option to delete the uploaded avatar and switch back to gravatars for example. It′s only possible to overwrite the existing avatar with a newer one…

    Also it would be nice to make the plugin translateable without editing the pluginfiles.


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  • Plugin Contributor oltdev


    Thanks for your kind words infected.

    I do agree with your missing point and if time prevails, I could definitely look into doing that because you’re right, that should be an option. This plugn was built directly for People Lists (https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/people-lists/) to make it easier for users to upload their photos and with so many other launches coming up, we didn’t have time to add extra functionality.

    I will take your note for the making the plugin translateable, but once again can’t guarantee it happening soon or provide any sort of timeline.

    Thanks again for your feedback.

    Hope this helps,
    ctltdev(former oltdev)

    Thread Starter infected


    Thanks for your reply! The most important point is the gravatar thing… If you could implement this i would be happy. I don′t use people lists btw. I just be happy to found an avatar plugin that works without editing template tags or add additional template tags…



    I agree with Infected as well as the option not to have the default icon for the plugin overide WP’s discussion settings. In other words, the custom avatar only shows up when the user uploads an image, otherwise, we see the default avatar or gravatar. With these two functions, the plugin would be perfect!

    Keep up the good work.

    Plugin Contributor sgagan


    Hey infected & november20 & other users with this issue,

    I finally gave in! I have added functionality for the uploaded avatar to be removed and defaulted to Gravatar! Next, I took in another suggestion and have decided to allow users to go to the Discussions Page (Settings >> Discussions) and select the default avatar of their choice in case they don’t have a Gravatar associated with their email! I will release this later today.

    Cheers & thanks for your feedback,

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