• thanks to Txanny for the nice plugin..

    i have a question about alkivia
    how to make the image gallery include in user profile, so i don’t need to open it again, just one load in user page and i get the image gallery below my primary image. i have try so much way but i can’t find it. please help me. thanks a lot Txanny

    this is my blog using alkivia

    sorry for my bad english

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  • Thread Starter vanfell


    this is the new link, https://www.borneophotography.org/profile/user/ian
    the gallery have inline now, but i still can’t find how to put the user gallery in the user profile page.
    i want the primary image replaced with the user gallery..
    any suggestions

    Wow! Thats really great https://www.borneophotography.org/profile/user/ian

    I really really want this kind of gallery into my WordPress.
    C’mon guys, help us out ??

    vanfell > this hack shall fulfill your needs (but you’ll have to watch carefully any plugin update, that may write over it)… Just replace the “_profilePicture” function that you’ll find in the alkivia/components/gallery/gallery.php file by the following :

    function _profilePicture( $header, $user ) {
    	$out = $this->getUserImage($user->ID, 'aligncenter');
    	$num = $this->countApprovedImages($user->{$this->option_name});
    	if ( 1 < $num ) {
    		$images = ucom_get_user_gallery($user->ID);
    		if ( empty($images) ) {
    			return false;
    		$out .= "<div class='gallery'>\n";
    		foreach ( $images as $thumb ) {
    			$out .= "<dl class='gallery-item'><dt class='gallery-icon'>\n";
    			$out .= '<a href="' . $thumb['link'] .'" title="' . $thumb['caption'] . '" rel="lightbox">' . $thumb['img'] . '</a>';
    			$out .= "</dt><dd class='gallery-caption'>{$thumb['caption']}<dd></dl>\n";
    		$out .= '<br style="clear: both;" /></div>';
    	$header .= apply_filters('ucom_profile_image', $out);
    	return $header;

    I hope it helps.

    Thread Starter vanfell


    after have done this..
    i’ll try your hack to move the gallery to the https://www.borneophotography.org/profile/user/ian page..
    i hope the primary image will be replaced with the gallery..and it will be so cool..

    Thread Starter vanfell


    yes, it works, i have replace the primary picture with the gallery in the /profile/user page..but something wrong, my simple press forum plugin broke..but when i disable the alkivia (user community) plugin, the simple press work well n also normal as usually..



    How can I add the gallery directly inline beneath the userprofile? I don’t want to click on a main image first.



    Is there an update to this?



    Nevermind, simply changed gallery-default.php to:

    $gallery_title = '<h1 class="alkivia-title">' . sprintf(__("%s's Photo Gallery", $i18n),
                                    '<a href="' . aoc_profile_link($user->user_login) . '">' . $user->display_name . '</a>')
                   . '</h1>';
    // Apply a filter to the title to allow changing the title when using the gallery in other places.
    echo apply_filters('aoc_gallery_title', $gallery_title);
    <?php if ( ! empty($edit_link) ) { ?>
    	<h3 class="alkivia-admin-link"><?php echo $edit_link; ?></h3>
    <?php } ?>
    <div class='gallery'>
    	<?php foreach ( $images as $thumb ) { ?>
    			<a href="<?php echo $thumb['link'] ?>" title="<?php echo $thumb['caption']; ?>"><?php echo $thumb['img']; ?></a>
    	<?php } ?>
    	<br style="clear: both;" />
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