• Is there an easy way to build a page that lists all members of a certain group? and of all available groups?
    I would like to apply this in the following way:

    -situation: We have authors who are selected on a ‘per year’ base; we would like to list authorprofiles of 2011/2012/2013 . I have created groups and put the authors in a group according to the year. Now i’d like to make a template which has author profiles and then in the sidebar provide the selection 2011/2012/2013/…


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  • Plugin Author Zack Katz


    Yeah, that’s where you go to the User Groups Page: (Users > User Groups).

    To view users in a group, click on the link on the User Groups page that says “# Users”. The link ends up going to a page like: /wp-admin/users.php?user-group=my-custom-group

    Is that your question?

    thanks for the plugin. Is there a way to view the list through the front end for unregistered users or subscribers?

    Hello there,

    First of all, many thanks for this nice plugin, I could split my users between a few groups.

    What I would like is to see on the front-end is the group to which a user belongs to (maybe next to the username’s poster in a post?). Would it be possible to add this feature in a next version of the plugin?

    Many thanks again for the plugin, it’s working as a charm ??

    Hi Zack,

    First and foremost, thanks for making this plugin. I’m fairly new at the WordPress game and have a request similar to those above – I am trying to list users of a certain group on a page visible to anyone through the front end, along with profile picture, website, and a couple of extra fields I have added using Cimy Extra Fields.

    Quite simply, how would I go about sorting and displaying my users by group? Any advice you have is greatly appreciated!

    (A little background: I am in the process of migrating a very out-of-date Joomla page to WordPress (centralcoastgrown.net/site/). I need to be able to have farmers and retail stores create profiles, be added to a group, and have their bios, location, and website displayed on a publicly viewable list page (https://centralcoastgrown.net/site/index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=usersList&listid=2) – that is just a basic user list, but I want to be able to sort by group as well as show profile basics on the list)



    Plugin Author Zack Katz


    Tom, you click on the group label to see the users in the specific groups.

    I’ve put together a shortcode function that will allow you to show the users of a particular user-group on the front end:

    add_shortcode('group-list', 'my_group_list_shortcode');
    function my_group_list_shortcode( $atts ) {
        // Get the global $wpdb object
        global $wpdb;
        // Extract the parameters and set the default
        extract ( shortcode_atts( array(
            'group' => 'No Group' // No Group is a defined user-group
            ), $atts ) );
        // The taxonomy name will be used to get the objects assigned to that group
        $taxonomy = 'user-group';
        // Use a dBase query to get the ID of the user group
        $userGroupID = $wpdb->get_var(
                        $wpdb->prepare("SELECT term_id
                            FROM {$wpdb->terms} t
                            WHERE t.name = %s", $group));
        // Now grab the object IDs (aka user IDs) associated with the user-group
        $userIDs = get_objects_in_term($userGroupID, $taxonomy);
        // Check if any user IDs were returned; if so, display!
        // If not, notify visitor none were found.
        if ($userIDs) {
            $content = "<div class='group-list'> <ul>";
            foreach( $userIDs as $userID ) {
                $user = get_user_by('id', $userID);
                $content .= "<li>";
                $content .= get_avatar( $user->ID, 70 );
                $content .= "<h3>" . $user->display_name . "</h3>";
                $content .= "<p><a href='". get_author_posts_url( $user->ID ) . "' class='more-info-icon'>More info</a>";
                $content .= "<!-- add more here --></p>";
                $content .= "</li>";
            $content .= "</ul></div>";
        } else {
            $content =
            "<div class='group-list group-list-none'>Returned no results</div>";
        return $content;

    The shortcode then looks like this: [group-list group="NameOfGroup"].

    Feel free to use and modify.

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