[Plugin: User Photo] Transparent PNG support
i just installed and started playing with this User Photo plugin, and noticed that it did not support Transparent PNGs: when I tried to upload a transparent PNG as my user image, it ended up with a black background instead of maintaining transparency. I was able to fix this, and wanted to share my solution in case anyone else is interested
On line 874 of the plugin,
@ imagecopyresampled( $imageresized, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $image_new_width, $image_new_height, $info[0], $info[1] );
i replaced that with
if ( $info[2] == IMAGETYPE_PNG ) { @ imageantialias($imageresized,true); @ imagealphablending($imageresized, false); @ imagesavealpha($imageresized,true); $transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($imageresized, 255, 255, 255, 0); for($x=0;$x<$image_new_width;$x++) { for($y=0;$y<$image_new_height;$y++) { @ imagesetpixel( $imageresized, $x, $y, $transparent ); } } @ imagecopyresampled( $imageresized, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $image_new_width, $image_new_height, $info[0], $info[1] ); @ imagepng($imageresized, $image_name); } else { @ imagecopyresampled( $imageresized, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $image_new_width, $image_new_height, $info[0], $info[1] ); }
That “half works”…
When I hit “update profile” I get a full screen of garbled code with the following warning at the end:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/16/d236844531/htdocs/v4/wp-content/plugins/user-photo/user-photo.php:885) in /homepages/16/d236844531/htdocs/v4/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 890
When I hit the back button on my browser the image has been uploaded and has got a transparent background… any fix on the page of garbled code though…?Okay –?I was a little too hasty posting that.
I removed line 885 completely and that did the trick.
@ imagepng($imageresized, $image_name);
I’m using WP 3.0.1 maybe it has something to do with the version?
Anyway with that line omitted the code worked. Thanks!
Hey Guys,
I faced the same problem and I tried to replace the code as mentioned above but that didn’t work. Here is the code of the plugin and I would appreciate if someone could help:<?php
Plugin Name: User Photo
Plugin URI: https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/user-photo/
Description: Allows users to associate photos with their accounts by accessing their “Your Profile” page. Uploaded images are resized to fit the dimensions specified on the options page; a thumbnail image is also generated. New template tags introduced are:userphoto_the_author_photo
, anduserphoto_comment_author_thumbnail
. Uploaded images may be moderated by administrators.
Version: 0.9.4
Author: Weston Ruter, Dave Wagner’s Dev SiteOriginal code by Weston Ruter <https://weston.ruter.net> at Shepherd Interactive <https://shepherd-interactive.com>.
Continued development and maintenance by Dave Wagner <https://dev.dave-wagner.com/>GNU General Public License, Free Software Foundation <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/GPL/2.0/>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
*/define(‘USERPHOTO_PLUGIN_IDENTIFIER’, ‘user-photo/user-photo.php’);
//Remove this from active plugins
$active_plugins = get_option(‘active_plugins’);
array_splice($active_plugins, array_search(USERPHOTO_PLUGIN_IDENTIFIER, $active_plugins), 1); //preg_replace(‘{^.+(?=[^/]+/[^/]+)}’, ”, __FILE__)
update_option(‘active_plugins’, $active_plugins);trigger_error(
__(“User Photo plugin not usable on this system because image resizing is not available, specifically the imagecopyresampled() and related functions. It has been deactivated.”, ‘user-photo’) .
‘ ‘.
__(“The required GD module is not available on your system.”, ‘user-photo’)
}$userphoto_validtypes = array(
“image/jpeg” => true,
“image/pjpeg” => true,
“image/gif” => true,
“image/png” => true,
“image/x-png” => true
);define(‘USERPHOTO_PENDING’, 0);
#define(‘USERPHOTO_PLUGINPATH’, ABSPATH.’wp-content/plugins/user-photo’);
#define(‘USERPHOTO_PLUGINLINK’, get_settings(‘siteurl’) . ‘wp-content/plugins/user-photo/’);#define(‘USERPHOTO_DEFAULT_MAX_DIMENSION’, 150);
define(‘USERPHOTO_THUMBNAIL_SIZE’, 2);add_option(“userphoto_jpeg_compression”, 90);
add_option(“userphoto_maximum_dimension”, 150);
add_option(“userphoto_thumb_dimension”, 80);
add_option(“userphoto_admin_notified”, 0); //0 means disable
add_option(“userphoto_level_moderated”, 2); //Note: -1 means disable
add_option(“userphoto_use_avatar_fallback”, false);
add_option(“userphoto_override_avatar”, false);
$userphoto_using_avatar_fallback = false;
$userphoto_prevent_override_avatar = false;# Load up the localization file if we’re using WordPress in a different language
# Place it in the “localization” folder and name it “user-photo-[value in wp-config].mo”
load_plugin_textdomain(‘user-photo’, PLUGINDIR . ‘/user-photo/localization’); #(thanks Pakus)function userphoto__init(){
if(get_option(‘userphoto_override_avatar’) && !is_admin())
add_filter(‘get_avatar’, ‘userphoto_filter_get_avatar’, 10, 4);
add_action(‘init’, ‘userphoto__init’);function userphoto_filter_get_avatar($avatar, $id_or_email, $size, $default){
global $userphoto_using_avatar_fallback, $wpdb, $userphoto_prevent_override_avatar;
return $avatar;if(is_object($id_or_email)){
$id_or_email = $id_or_email->ID;
else if($id_or_email->user_id)
$id_or_email = $id_or_email->user_id;
else if($id_or_email->comment_author_email)
$id_or_email = $id_or_email->comment_author_email;
$userid = (int)$id_or_email;
else if(is_string($id_or_email))
$userid = (int)$wpdb->get_var(“SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->users WHERE user_email = ‘” . mysql_escape_string($id_or_email) . “‘”);if(!$userid)
return $avatar;//Figure out which one is closest to the size that we have for the full or the thumbnail
$full_dimension = get_option(‘userphoto_maximum_dimension’);
$small_dimension = get_option(‘userphoto_thumb_dimension’);
$userphoto_prevent_override_avatar = true;
$img = userphoto__get_userphoto($userid, (abs($full_dimension – $size) < abs($small_dimension – $size)) ? USERPHOTO_FULL_SIZE : USERPHOTO_THUMBNAIL_SIZE, ”, ”, array(), ”);
$userphoto_prevent_override_avatar = false;
return $img;return $avatar;
}function userphoto__get_userphoto($user_id, $photoSize, $before, $after, $attributes, $default_src){
global $userphoto_prevent_override_avatar;
//Note: when we move to a global default user photo, we can always enter into the following conditional
if($user_id && ($userdata = get_userdata($user_id))){
if(($userdata->userphoto_approvalstatus == USERPHOTO_APPROVED) &&
$image_file = ($photoSize == USERPHOTO_FULL_SIZE ? $userdata->userphoto_image_file : $userdata->userphoto_thumb_file))
$width = $photoSize == USERPHOTO_FULL_SIZE ? $userdata->userphoto_image_width : $userdata->userphoto_thumb_width;
$height = $photoSize == USERPHOTO_FULL_SIZE ? $userdata->userphoto_image_height : $userdata->userphoto_thumb_height;$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
return “Error: ” . $upload_dir[‘error’];
$src = trailingslashit($upload_dir[‘baseurl’]) . ‘userphoto/’ . $image_file;
else if($default_src){
$src = $default_src;
$width = $height = 0;
else if(get_option(‘userphoto_use_avatar_fallback’) && !$userphoto_prevent_override_avatar){
$width = $height = get_option($photoSize == USERPHOTO_FULL_SIZE ? ‘userphoto_maximum_dimension’ : ‘userphoto_thumb_dimension’);
global $userphoto_using_avatar_fallback;
$userphoto_using_avatar_fallback = true;
$img = get_avatar($user_id, $width);
$userphoto_using_avatar_fallback = false;
if(!preg_match(‘{src=([\'”])(.+?)\1}’, $img, $matches))
$src = str_replace(‘&’, ‘&’, $matches[2]);
if(preg_match(‘{class=([\'”])(.+?)\1}’, $img, $matches))
$attributes[‘class’] .= ‘ ‘ . $matches[2];
else return ”;$img = ”;
$img .= $before;
$img .= ‘<img src=”‘ . htmlspecialchars($src) . ‘”‘;
$img .= ‘ alt=”‘ . htmlspecialchars($userdata->display_name) . ‘”‘;
if(empty($attributes[‘width’]) && !empty($width))
$img .= ‘ width=”‘ . htmlspecialchars($width) . ‘”‘;
if(empty($attributes[‘height’]) && !empty($height))
$img .= ‘ height=”‘ . htmlspecialchars($height) . ‘”‘;
$img .= ‘ class=”photo”‘;
foreach($attributes as $name => $value){
$img .= ” $name=\”” . htmlspecialchars($value) . ‘”‘;
$img .= ‘ />’;
$img .= $after;
return $img;
//else if(is_array($failureAttributes)){
// $img = ”;
// $img .= $before;
// $img .= ‘<img ‘;
// foreach($failureAttributes as $name => $value){
// $img .= ” $name=\”” . htmlspecialchars($value) . ‘”‘;
// }
// $img .= ‘ />’;
// $img .= $after;
// return $img;
else {
return “”;
function userphoto_exists($user){
$userid = intval($user);
else if(is_object($user) && @$user->ID)
$userid = $user->ID;
else if(is_string($user)){
$userdata = get_userdatabylogin($user);
return false;
$userid = $userdata->ID;
else return false;if(!isset($userdata))
$userdata = get_userdata($userid);
if(!$userdata || $userdata->userphoto_approvalstatus != USERPHOTO_APPROVED)
return false;return true;
//function userphoto_get_userphoto_the_author_photo($user_id = false){
// #global $authordata;
// #global $comment;
// #if(!$user_id){
// # if(!empty($comment) && $comment->user_id)
// #
// # $user_id = $comment->user_id;
// # else if(!empty($authordata))
// # $user_id = $authordata->ID;
// # //else trigger_error(“Unable to discern user ID.”);
// #}
// if($user_id && ($userdata = get_userdata($user_id)) && $userdata->userphoto_image_file){
// $img = ‘<img src=”‘ . get_option(‘siteurl’) . ‘/wp-content/uploads/userphoto/’ . $userdata->userphoto_image_file . ‘”‘;
// $img .= ‘ alt=”‘ . htmlspecialchars($userdata->display_name) . ‘”‘;
// $img .= ‘ width=”‘ . htmlspecialchars($userdata->userphoto_image_width) . ‘”‘;
// $img .= ‘ height=”‘ . htmlspecialchars($userdata->userphoto_image_height) . ‘”‘;
// $img .= ‘ />’;
// return $img;
// }
// #Print default image
// else {
// return “”;
// }
//function userphoto_get_userphoto_the_author_thumbnail($user_id){
// #global $authordata;
// #global $comment;
// #if(!$user_id){
// # if(!empty($comment) && $comment->user_id)
// #
// # $user_id = $comment->user_id;
// # else if(!empty($authordata))
// # $user_id = $authordata->ID;
// # //else trigger_error(“Unable to discern user ID.”);
// #}
// if($user_id && ($userdata = get_userdata($user_id)) && $userdata->userphoto_thumb_file){
// $img = ‘<img src=”‘ . get_option(‘siteurl’) . ‘/wp-content/uploads/userphoto/’ . $userdata->userphoto_thumb_file . ‘”‘;
// $img .= ‘ alt=”‘ . htmlspecialchars($userdata->display_name) . ‘”‘;
// $img .= ‘ width=”‘ . htmlspecialchars($userdata->userphoto_thumb_width) . ‘”‘;
// $img .= ‘ height=”‘ . htmlspecialchars($userdata->userphoto_thumb_height) . ‘”‘;
// $img .= ‘ />’;
// return $img;
// }
// #Print default image
// else {
// return “”;
// }
//}function userphoto_comment_author_photo($before = ”, $after = ”, $attributes = array(), $default_src = ”){
global $comment;
if(!empty($comment) && $comment->user_id)
echo userphoto__get_userphoto($comment->user_id, USERPHOTO_FULL_SIZE, $before, $after, $attributes, $default_src);
function userphoto_comment_author_thumbnail($before = ”, $after = ”, $attributes = array(), $default_src = ”){
global $comment;
if(!empty($comment) && $comment->user_id)
echo userphoto__get_userphoto($comment->user_id, USERPHOTO_THUMBNAIL_SIZE, $before, $after, $attributes, $default_src);
function userphoto_the_author_photo($before = ”, $after = ”, $attributes = array(), $default_src = ”){
global $authordata, $curauthor;
if(!empty($authordata) && $authordata->ID)
echo userphoto__get_userphoto($authordata->ID, USERPHOTO_FULL_SIZE, $before, $after, $attributes, $default_src);
function userphoto_the_author_thumbnail($before = ”, $after = ”, $attributes = array(), $default_src = ”){
global $authordata;
if(!empty($authordata) && $authordata->ID)
echo userphoto__get_userphoto($authordata->ID, USERPHOTO_THUMBNAIL_SIZE, $before, $after, $attributes, $default_src);
}function userphoto($user, $before = ”, $after = ”, $attributes = array(), $default_src = ”){
$userid = intval($user);
else if(is_object($user) && @$user->ID)
$userid = $user->ID;
else if(is_string($user)){
$user = get_userdatabylogin($user);
$userid = $user->ID;
else return;echo userphoto__get_userphoto($userid, USERPHOTO_FULL_SIZE, $before, $after, $attributes, $default_src);
function userphoto_thumbnail($user, $before = ”, $after = ”, $attributes = array(), $default_src = ”){
$userid = intval($user);
else if(is_object($user) && @$user->ID)
$userid = $user->ID;
else if(is_string($user)){
$user = get_userdatabylogin($user);
$userid = $user->ID;
else return;echo userphoto__get_userphoto($userid, USERPHOTO_THUMBNAIL_SIZE, $before, $after, $attributes, $default_src);
}function userphoto_profile_update($userID){
global $userphoto_validtypes;
global $current_user;$userdata = get_userdata($userID);
#Delete photo
delete_usermeta($userID, “userphoto_error”);
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$bdir = trailingslashit($upload_dir[‘basedir’]) . ‘userphoto/’;
$imagepath = $bdir . basename($userdata->userphoto_image_file);
$thumbpath = $bdir . basename($userdata->userphoto_thumb_file);if(file_exists($imagepath) && !@unlink($imagepath)){
update_usermeta($userID, ‘userphoto_error’, __(“Unable to delete photo.”, ‘user-photo’));
else {
delete_usermeta($userID, “userphoto_approvalstatus”);
delete_usermeta($userID, “userphoto_image_file”);
delete_usermeta($userID, “userphoto_image_width”);
delete_usermeta($userID, “userphoto_image_height”);
delete_usermeta($userID, “userphoto_thumb_file”);
delete_usermeta($userID, “userphoto_thumb_width”);
delete_usermeta($userID, “userphoto_thumb_height”);
#Upload photo or change approval status
else {
#Upload the file
if(isset($_FILES[‘userphoto_image_file’]) && @$_FILES[‘userphoto_image_file’][‘name’]){#Upload error
$error = ”;
$error = __(“The uploaded file exceeds the max upload size.”, ‘user-photo’);
$error = __(“The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.”, ‘user-photo’);
$error = __(“No file was uploaded.”, ‘user-photo’);
$error = __(“Missing a temporary folder.”, ‘user-photo’);
$error = __(“Failed to write file to disk.”, ‘user-photo’);
$error = __(“File upload stopped by extension.”, ‘user-photo’);
$error = __(“File upload failed due to unknown error.”, ‘user-photo’);
else if(!$_FILES[‘userphoto_image_file’][‘size’])
$error = sprintf(__(“The file “%s” was not uploaded. Did you provide the correct filename?”, ‘user-photo’), $_FILES[‘userphoto_image_file’][‘name’]);
else if(@!$userphoto_validtypes[$_FILES[‘userphoto_image_file’][‘type’]]) //!preg_match(“/\.(” . join(‘|’, $userphoto_validextensions) . “)$/i”, $_FILES[‘userphoto_image_file’][‘name’])) ||
$error = sprintf(__(“The uploaded file type “%s” is not allowed.”, ‘user-photo’), $_FILES[‘userphoto_image_file’][‘type’]);$tmppath = $_FILES[‘userphoto_image_file’][‘tmp_name’];
$imageinfo = null;
$thumbinfo = null;
$userphoto_maximum_dimension = get_option( ‘userphoto_maximum_dimension’ );
# $userphoto_maximum_dimension = USERPHOTO_DEFAULT_MAX_DIMENSION;$imageinfo = getimagesize($tmppath);
if(!$imageinfo || !$imageinfo[0] || !$imageinfo[1])
$error = __(“Unable to get image dimensions.”, ‘user-photo’);
else if($imageinfo[0] > $userphoto_maximum_dimension || $imageinfo[1] > $userphoto_maximum_dimension){
if(userphoto_resize_image($tmppath, null, $userphoto_maximum_dimension, $error))
$imageinfo = getimagesize($tmppath);
}//else if($imageinfo[0] > $userphoto_maximum_dimension)
// $error = sprintf(__(“The uploaded image had a width of %d pixels. The max width is %d.”, ‘user-photo’), $imageinfo[0], $userphoto_maximum_dimension);
//else if($imageinfo[0] > $userphoto_maximum_dimension)
// $error = sprintf(__(“The uploaded image had a height of %d pixels. The max height is %d.”, ‘user-photo’), $imageinfo[1], $userphoto_maximum_dimension);
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$dir = trailingslashit($upload_dir[‘basedir’]) . ‘userphoto’;#$umask = umask(0);
if(!file_exists($dir) && @!mkdir($dir, 0777))
$error = sprintf(__(“The userphoto upload content directory does not exist and could not be created. Please ensure that you have write permissions for the ‘%s’ directory. Did you put slash at the beginning of the upload path in Misc. settings? It should be a path relative to the WordPress root directory.wp_upload_dir()
returned: <code style=’white-space:pre’>%s”, ‘user-photo’), $dir, print_r($upload_dir, true));
#$oldFile = basename($userdata->userphoto_image_file);
$imagefile = preg_replace(‘/^.+(?=\.\w+$)/’, $userdata->user_nicename, strtolower($_FILES[‘userphoto_image_file’][‘name’]));
$imagepath = $dir . ‘/’ . $imagefile;
$thumbfile = preg_replace(“/(?=\.\w+$)/”, ‘.thumbnail’, $imagefile);
$thumbpath = $dir . ‘/’ . $thumbfile;if(!move_uploaded_file($tmppath, $imagepath)){
$error = sprintf(__(“Unable to place the user photo at: %s”, ‘user-photo’), $imagepath);
else {
chmod($imagepath, 0666);#Generate thumbnail
$userphoto_thumb_dimension = get_option( ‘userphoto_thumb_dimension’ );
# $userphoto_thumb_dimension = USERPHOTO_DEFAULT_THUMB_DIMENSION;
if(!($userphoto_thumb_dimension >= $imageinfo[0] && $userphoto_thumb_dimension >= $imageinfo[1])){
userphoto_resize_image($imagepath, $thumbpath, $userphoto_thumb_dimension, $error);
else {
copy($imagepath, $thumbpath);
chmod($thumbpath, 0666);
$thumbinfo = getimagesize($thumbpath);#Update usermeta
if($current_user->user_level <= get_option(‘userphoto_level_moderated’) ){
update_usermeta($userID, “userphoto_approvalstatus”, USERPHOTO_PENDING);$admin_notified = get_option(‘userphoto_admin_notified’);
$admin = get_userdata($admin_notified);
“User Photo for ” . $userdata->display_name . ” Needs Approval”,
get_option(“home”) . “/wp-admin/user-edit.php?user_id=” . $userdata->ID . “#userphoto”);
else {
update_usermeta($userID, “userphoto_approvalstatus”, USERPHOTO_APPROVED);
update_usermeta($userID, “userphoto_image_file”, $imagefile); //TODO: use userphoto_image
update_usermeta($userID, “userphoto_image_width”, $imageinfo[0]); //TODO: use userphoto_image_width
update_usermeta($userID, “userphoto_image_height”, $imageinfo[1]);
update_usermeta($userID, “userphoto_thumb_file”, $thumbfile);
update_usermeta($userID, “userphoto_thumb_width”, $thumbinfo[0]);
update_usermeta($userID, “userphoto_thumb_height”, $thumbinfo[1]);#if($oldFile && $oldFile != $newFile)
# @unlink($dir . ‘/’ . $oldFile);
}#Set photo approval status
if($current_user->has_cap(‘edit_users’) &&
array_key_exists(‘userphoto_approvalstatus’, $_POST) &&
in_array((int)$_POST[‘userphoto_approvalstatus’], array(USERPHOTO_PENDING, USERPHOTO_REJECTED, USERPHOTO_APPROVED))
update_usermeta($userID, “userphoto_approvalstatus”, (int)$_POST[‘userphoto_approvalstatus’]);
if((int)$_POST[‘userphoto_approvalstatus’] == USERPHOTO_REJECTED)
update_usermeta($userID, “userphoto_rejectionreason”, $_POST[‘userphoto_rejectionreason’]);
delete_usermeta($userID, “userphoto_rejectionreason”);
update_usermeta($userID, ‘userphoto_error’, $error);
delete_usermeta($userID, “userphoto_error”);
add_action(‘profile_update’, ‘userphoto_profile_update’);
#add_action(‘personal_options_update’, ???);#QUESTION: Should we store a serialized datastructure in the usermeta…
# Width, height, size, filename/pathfunction userphoto_delete_user($userID){
$userdata = get_userdata($userID);$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$bdir = trailingslashit($upload_dir[‘basedir’]) . ‘userphoto/’;if($userdata->userphoto_image_file)
@unlink($bdir . basename($userdata->userphoto_image_file));
@unlink($bdir . basename($userdata->userphoto_thumb_file));
add_action(‘delete_user’, ‘userphoto_delete_user’);function userphoto_admin_useredit_head(){
if(preg_match(“/(user-edit\.php|profile.php)$/”, $_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’]))
print ‘<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”../wp-content/plugins/user-photo/admin.css” />’;
function userphoto_admin_options_head(){
print ‘<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”../wp-content/plugins/user-photo/admin.css” />’;
}add_action(‘admin_head-options_page_user-photo/user-photo’, ‘userphoto_admin_options_head’);
add_action(‘admin_head’, ‘userphoto_admin_useredit_head’);
#add_action(‘admin_head-userphoto’, ‘userphoto_admin_head’);function userphoto_display_selector_fieldset(){
#NOTE: an email needs to be sent to the admin when a contributor uploads a photoglobal $profileuser;
global $current_user;
global $userphoto_error;$isSelf = $profileuser->ID == $current_user->ID;
# $userdata = get_userdata($profileuser->ID);
# $userdata = get_userdata($current_user->ID);#$userphoto = unserialize($userdata->userphoto);
global $wp_version;
$isOldWP = floatval($wp_version) < 2.5;$beforeRow = $isOldWP ? “<p>” : ‘<tr valign=”top”><th scope=”row”>’;
$betweenRow = $isOldWP ? “” : ‘</th><td>’;
$afterRow = $isOldWP ? “</p>” : ‘</td><tr>’;?>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var form = document.getElementById(‘your-profile’);
//form.enctype = “multipart/form-data”; //FireFox, Opera, et al
form.encoding = “multipart/form-data”; //IE5.5
form.setAttribute(‘enctype’, ‘multipart/form-data’); //required for IE6 (is interpreted into “encType”)function userphoto_onclick(){
var is_delete = document.getElementById(‘userphoto_delete’).checked;
document.getElementById(‘userphoto_image_file’).disabled = is_delete;if(document.getElementById(‘userphoto_approvalstatus’))
document.getElementById(‘userphoto_approvalstatus’).disabled = is_delete;
document.getElementById(‘userphoto_rejectionreason’).disabled = is_delete;
function userphoto_approvalstatus_onchange(){
var select = document.getElementById(‘userphoto_approvalstatus’);
document.getElementById(‘userphoto_rejectionreason’).style.display = (select.options[select.selectedIndex].value == <?php echo USERPHOTO_REJECTED ?> ? ‘block’ : ‘none’);
<?php if($profileuser->userphoto_error && @$_POST[‘action’] == ‘update’): ?>
window.location = “#userphoto”;
<?php endif; ?></script>
<?php if($isOldWP): ?>
<fieldset id=’userphoto’>
<legend><?php echo $isSelf ? _e(“Your Photo”, ‘user-photo’) : _e(“User Photo”, ‘user-photo’) ?></legend>
<?php else: ?>
<table class=’form-table’ id=”userphoto”>
<!–<label for=”userphoto_image_file”>–><?php echo $isSelf ? _e(“Your Photo”, ‘user-photo’) : _e(“User Photo”, ‘user-photo’) ?><!–</label>–>
<?php endif; ?><?php if($profileuser->userphoto_image_file): ?>
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$bdir = trailingslashit($upload_dir[‘baseurl’]) . ‘userphoto/’;
<p class=’image’><img src=”<?php echo $bdir . $profileuser->userphoto_image_file . “?” . rand() ?>” alt=”Full size image” />
Full size
<p class=’image’><img src=”<?php echo $bdir . $profileuser->userphoto_thumb_file . “?” . rand() ?>” alt=”Thumbnail image” />
<hr /><?php if(!$current_user->has_cap(‘edit_users’)): ?>
<?php if($profileuser->userphoto_approvalstatus == USERPHOTO_PENDING): ?>
<p id=’userphoto-status-pending’><?php echo _e(“Your profile photo has been submitted for review.”, ‘user-photo’) ?></p>
<?php elseif($profileuser->userphoto_approvalstatus == USERPHOTO_REJECTED): ?>
<p id=’userphoto-status-rejected’>Notice: <?php _e(“Your chosen profile photo has been rejected.”, ‘user-photo’) ?>
_e(“Reason: “, ‘user-photo’);
echo htmlspecialchars($profileuser->userphoto_rejectionreason);
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?><?php if($profileuser->userphoto_error): ?>
<p id=’userphoto-upload-error’>Upload error: <?php echo $profileuser->userphoto_error ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>
<p id=’userphoto_image_file_control’>
<label><?php echo _e(“Upload image file:”, ‘user-photo’) ?>
<input type=”file” name=”userphoto_image_file” id=”userphoto_image_file” />
<span class=’field-hint’>(<?php
printf(__(“max upload size %s”),ini_get(“upload_max_filesize”));
<?php if($current_user->has_cap(‘edit_users’) && ($profileuser->ID != $current_user->ID) && $profileuser->userphoto_image_file): ?>
<p id=”userphoto-approvalstatus-controls” <?php if($profileuser->userphoto_approvalstatus == USERPHOTO_PENDING) echo “class=’pending'” ?>>
<label><?php _e(“Approval status:”, ‘user-photo’) ?>
<select name=”userphoto_approvalstatus” id=”userphoto_approvalstatus” onchange=”userphoto_approvalstatus_onchange()”>
<option value=”<?php echo USERPHOTO_PENDING ?>” <?php if($profileuser->userphoto_approvalstatus == USERPHOTO_PENDING) echo ” selected=’selected’ ” ?>><?php _e(“pending”, ‘user-photo’) ?></option>
<option value=”<?php echo USERPHOTO_REJECTED ?>” <?php if($profileuser->userphoto_approvalstatus == USERPHOTO_REJECTED) echo ” selected=’selected’ ” ?>><?php _e(“rejected”, ‘user-photo’) ?></option>
<option value=”<?php echo USERPHOTO_APPROVED ?>” <?php if($profileuser->userphoto_approvalstatus == USERPHOTO_APPROVED) echo ” selected=’selected’ ” ?>><?php _e(“approved”, ‘user-photo’) ?></option>
</select></label><textarea name=”userphoto_rejectionreason” <?php
if($profileuser->userphoto_approvalstatus != USERPHOTO_REJECTED)
echo ‘ style=”display:none”‘;
?> id=”userphoto_rejectionreason”><?php echo $profileuser->userphoto_rejectionreason ? $profileuser->userphoto_rejectionreason : __(‘The photo is inappropriate.’, ‘user-photo’) ?></textarea>
<script type=”text/javascript”>userphoto_approvalstatus_onchange()</script>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if($profileuser->userphoto_image_file): ?>
<p><label><input type=”checkbox” name=”userphoto_delete” id=”userphoto_delete” onclick=”userphoto_onclick()” /> <?php _e(‘Delete photo?’, ‘user-photo’)?></label></p>
<?php endif; ?><?php if($isOldWP): ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?php endif; ?><?php
add_action(‘show_user_profile’, ‘userphoto_display_selector_fieldset’);
add_action(‘edit_user_profile’, ‘userphoto_display_selector_fieldset’);/***** ADMIN ******************************************/
function userphoto_add_page() {
//if (function_exists(‘add_options_page’))
add_options_page(‘User Photo’, ‘User Photo’, 8, __FILE__, ‘userphoto_options_page’);
add_action(‘admin_menu’, ‘userphoto_add_page’);function userphoto_options_page(){
#Get option values
$userphoto_jpeg_compression = get_option( ‘userphoto_jpeg_compression’ );
$userphoto_maximum_dimension = get_option( ‘userphoto_maximum_dimension’ );
$userphoto_thumb_dimension = get_option( ‘userphoto_thumb_dimension’ );
$userphoto_admin_notified = get_option( ‘userphoto_admin_notified’ );
$userphoto_level_moderated = get_option( ‘userphoto_level_moderated’ );
$userphoto_use_avatar_fallback = get_option(‘userphoto_use_avatar_fallback’);
$userphoto_override_avatar = get_option(‘userphoto_override_avatar’);#Get new updated option values, and save them
if( @$_POST[‘action’] == ‘update’ ) {
check_admin_referer(‘update-options-userphoto’);$userphoto_jpeg_compression = (int)$_POST[‘userphoto_jpeg_compression’];
update_option(‘userphoto_jpeg_compression’, $userphoto_jpeg_compression);$userphoto_maximum_dimension = (int)$_POST[‘userphoto_maximum_dimension’];
update_option(‘userphoto_maximum_dimension’, $userphoto_maximum_dimension);$userphoto_thumb_dimension = (int)$_POST[‘userphoto_thumb_dimension’];
update_option(‘userphoto_thumb_dimension’, $userphoto_thumb_dimension);$userphoto_admin_notified = (int)$_POST[‘userphoto_admin_notified’];
update_option(‘userphoto_admin_notified’, $userphoto_admin_notified);$userphoto_level_moderated = (int)$_POST[‘userphoto_level_moderated’];
update_option(‘userphoto_level_moderated’, $userphoto_level_moderated);$userphoto_use_avatar_fallback = !empty($_POST[‘userphoto_use_avatar_fallback’]);
update_option(‘userphoto_use_avatar_fallback’, $userphoto_use_avatar_fallback);$userphoto_override_avatar = !empty($_POST[‘userphoto_override_avatar’]);
update_option(‘userphoto_override_avatar’, $userphoto_override_avatar);?>
<div id=”message” class=”updated fade”><p><?php _e(‘Options saved.’ ); ?></p></div>
}global $wp_version;
$isOldWP = floatval($wp_version) < 2.5;$beforeRow = $isOldWP ? “<p>” : ‘<tr valign=”top”><th scope=”row”>’;
$betweenRow = $isOldWP ? “” : ‘</th><td>’;
$afterRow = $isOldWP ? “</p>” : ‘</td><tr>’;?>
<div class=”wrap”>
<h2>User Photo Options</h2>
<form method=”post” action=”<?php echo $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’] ?>” id=’userphoto_options_form’>
echo “<table class=’form-table’>”;
<?php echo $beforeRow ?>
<label for=”userphoto_maximum_dimension”>
<?php _e(“Maximum dimension: “, ‘user-photo’) ?>
<?php echo $betweenRow ?>
<input type=”number” min=”1″ step=”1″ size=”3″ id=”userphoto_maximum_dimension” name=”userphoto_maximum_dimension” value=”<?php echo $userphoto_maximum_dimension ?>” />px
<?php echo $afterRow ?>
<?php echo $beforeRow ?>
<label for=”userphoto_thumb_dimension”>
<?php _e(“Thumbnail dimension: “, ‘user-photo’) ?>
<?php echo $betweenRow ?>
<input type=”number” min=”1″ step=”1″ size=”3″ id=”userphoto_thumb_dimension” name=”userphoto_thumb_dimension” value=”<?php echo $userphoto_thumb_dimension ?>” />px
<?php echo $afterRow ?>
<?php echo $beforeRow ?>
<label for=”userphoto_use_avatar_fallback”>
<?php _e(“Serve Avatar as Fallback: “, ‘user-photo’) ?>
<?php echo $betweenRow ?>
<input type=”checkbox” value=’Y’ id=”userphoto_use_avatar_fallback” name=”userphoto_use_avatar_fallback” <?php if($userphoto_use_avatar_fallback) echo ‘ checked=”checked”‘; ?> />
<?php _e(“In case the user does not have a photo uploaded or approved, their avatar will be fetched for them. Respects the ‘Avatar Display’ setting under <b>Discussion</b>.”, ‘user-photo’) ?>
<?php echo $afterRow ?>
<?php echo $beforeRow ?>
<label for=”userphoto_override_avatar”>
<?php _e(“Override Avatar with User Photo: “, ‘user-photo’) ?>
<?php echo $betweenRow ?>
<input type=”checkbox” value=’Y’ id=”userphoto_override_avatar” name=”userphoto_override_avatar” <?php if($userphoto_override_avatar) echo ‘ checked=”checked”‘; ?> />
<?php _e(“When making calls toget_avatar()
, the user’s photo will be used instead if it is available. Respects the ‘Avatar Display’ setting under <b>Discussion</b>.”, ‘user-photo’) ?>
<?php echo $afterRow ?>
<?php echo $beforeRow ?>
<label for=”userphoto_jpeg_compression”>
<?php _e(“JPEG compression: “, ‘user-photo’) ?>
<?php echo $betweenRow ?>
<input type=”range” min=”1″ max=”100″ step=”1″ size=”3″ id=”userphoto_jpeg_compression” name=”userphoto_jpeg_compression” value=”<?php echo $userphoto_jpeg_compression ?>” />%
<?php echo $afterRow ?>
<?php echo $beforeRow ?>
<label for=”userphoto_admin_notified”>
<?php _e(“Notify this administrator by email when user photo needs approval: “, ‘user-photo’) ?>
<?php echo $betweenRow ?>
<select id=’userphoto_admin_notified’ name=”userphoto_admin_notified”>
<option value=”0″ class=’none’>(none)</option>
global $wpdb;
$users = $wpdb->get_results(“SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->users ORDER BY user_login”);
foreach($users as $user){
$u = get_userdata($user->ID);
if($u->user_level == 10){ #if($u->has_cap(‘administrator’)){
print “<option value='” . $u->ID . “‘”;
if($userphoto_admin_notified == $u->ID)
print ” selected=’selected'”;
print “>” . $u->user_login . “</option>”;
<?php echo $afterRow ?>
<?php echo $beforeRow ?>
<label for=”userphoto_level_moderated”>
<!–<input type=”checkbox” id=”userphoto_do_moderation” onclick=”document.getElementById(‘userphoto_level_moderated’).disabled = !this.checked” <?php /*if(isset($userphoto_level_moderated)) echo ‘ checked=”checked”‘*/ ?> />–>
<?php _e(“Require user photo moderation for all users at or below this level: “, ‘user-photo’) ?>
<?php echo $betweenRow ?>
<select name=”userphoto_level_moderated” id=”userphoto_level_moderated”>
<option value=”-1″ <?php if($userphoto_level_moderated == -1) echo ‘ selected=”selected”‘ ?> class=’none’>(none)</option>
<option value=”0″ <?php if($userphoto_level_moderated == 0) echo ‘ selected=”selected”‘ ?>>Subscriber</option>
<option value=”1″ <?php if($userphoto_level_moderated == 1) echo ‘ selected=”selected”‘ ?>>Contributor</option>
<option value=”2″ <?php if($userphoto_level_moderated == 2) echo ‘ selected=”selected”‘ ?>>Author</option>
<option value=”7″ <?php if($userphoto_level_moderated == 7) echo ‘ selected=”selected”‘ ?>>Editor</option>
<!–<script type=”text/javascript”>
<?php echo $afterRow ?><?php
echo “</table>”;
<input type=”hidden” name=”action” value=”update” />
<input type=”hidden” name=”page_options” value=”userphoto_jpeg_compression,userphoto_admin_notified,userphoto_maximum_dimension,userphoto_thumb_dimension,userphoto_level_moderated” /><p class=”submit”>
<input type=”submit” name=”Submit” value=”<?php _e(‘Update options ?’); ?>” />
}function userphoto_resize_image($filename, $newFilename, $maxdimension, &$error){
$newFilename = $filename;
$userphoto_jpeg_compression = (int)get_option( ‘userphoto_jpeg_compression’ );
# $userphoto_jpeg_compression = USERPHOTO_DEFAULT_JPEG_COMPRESSION;$info = @getimagesize($filename);
if(!$info || !$info[0] || !$info[1]){
$error = __(“Unable to get image dimensions.”, ‘user-photo’);
//From WordPress image.php line 22
else if (
!function_exists( ‘imagegif’ ) && $info[2] == IMAGETYPE_GIF
!function_exists( ‘imagejpeg’ ) && $info[2] == IMAGETYPE_JPEG
!function_exists( ‘imagepng’ ) && $info[2] == IMAGETYPE_PNG
) {
$error = __( ‘Filetype not supported.’, ‘user-photo’ );
else {
// create the initial copy from the original file
if ( $info[2] == IMAGETYPE_GIF ) {
$image = imagecreatefromgif( $filename );
elseif ( $info[2] == IMAGETYPE_JPEG ) {
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg( $filename );
elseif ( $info[2] == IMAGETYPE_PNG ) {
$image = imagecreatefrompng( $filename );
$error = __(“Unrecognized image format.”, ‘user-photo’);
return false;
if ( function_exists( ‘imageantialias’ ))
imageantialias( $image, TRUE );// figure out the longest side
if ( $info[0] > $info[1] ) {
$image_width = $info[0];
$image_height = $info[1];
$image_new_width = $maxdimension;$image_ratio = $image_width / $image_new_width;
$image_new_height = $image_height / $image_ratio;
//width is > height
} else {
$image_width = $info[0];
$image_height = $info[1];
$image_new_height = $maxdimension;$image_ratio = $image_height / $image_new_height;
$image_new_width = $image_width / $image_ratio;
//height > width
}$imageresized = imagecreatetruecolor( $image_new_width, $image_new_height);
if ( $info[2] == IMAGETYPE_PNG ) {
@ imageantialias($imageresized,true);
@ imagealphablending($imageresized, false);
@ imagesavealpha($imageresized,true);
$transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($imageresized, 255, 255, 255, 0);
for($x=0;$x<$image_new_width;$x++) {
for($y=0;$y<$image_new_height;$y++) {
@ imagesetpixel( $imageresized, $x, $y, $transparent );
@ imagecopyresampled( $imageresized, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $image_new_width, $image_new_height, $info[0], $info[1] );
@ imagepng($imageresized, $image_name);
} else {
@ imagecopyresampled( $imageresized, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $image_new_width, $image_new_height, $info[0], $info[1] );
}// move the thumbnail to its final destination
if ( $info[2] == IMAGETYPE_GIF ) {
if (!imagegif( $imageresized, $newFilename ) ) {
$error = __( “Thumbnail path invalid” );
elseif ( $info[2] == IMAGETYPE_JPEG ) {
if (!imagejpeg( $imageresized, $newFilename, $userphoto_jpeg_compression ) ) {
$error = __( “Thumbnail path invalid” );
elseif ( $info[2] == IMAGETYPE_PNG ) {
if (!imagepng( $imageresized, $newFilename ) ) {
$error = __( “Thumbnail path invalid” );
return false;
return true;
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