Solved this issue.
It’s not enough to merely add the capability to edit users when on a multisite installation. In case any others encounter this or the developer (hopefully) want to introduce this sollution to support multisite installation, this is the way I overcame the problem:
The trick is to use the map_meta_cap filter to turn turn the do_not_allow capability in the $caps array into either edit_users, delete_users og create_users.
The following function did the trick for me:
function mc_admin_users_caps( $caps, $cap, $user_id, $args ){
foreach( $caps as $key => $capability ){
if( $capability != 'do_not_allow' )
switch( $cap ) {
case 'edit_user':
case 'edit_users':
$caps[$key] = 'edit_users';
case 'delete_user':
case 'delete_users':
$caps[$key] = 'delete_users';
case 'create_users':
$caps[$key] = $cap;
return $caps;
add_filter( 'map_meta_cap', 'mc_admin_users_caps', 1, 4 );
remove_all_filters( 'enable_edit_any_user_configuration' );
add_filter( 'enable_edit_any_user_configuration', '__return_true');
* Checks that both the editing user and the user being edited are
* members of the blog and prevents the super admin being edited.
function mc_edit_permission_check() {
global $current_user, $profileuser;
$screen = get_current_screen();
if( $screen->base == 'user-edit' || $screen->base == 'user-edit-network' ) { // editing a user profile
if ( ! is_super_admin( $current_user->ID ) && is_super_admin( $profileuser->ID ) ) { // trying to edit a superadmin while less than a superadmin
wp_die( __( 'You do not have permission to edit this user.' ) );
} elseif ( ! ( is_user_member_of_blog( $profileuser->ID, get_current_blog_id() ) && is_user_member_of_blog( $current_user->ID, get_current_blog_id() ) )) { // editing user and edited user aren't members of the same blog
wp_die( __( 'You do not have permission to edit this user.' ) );
add_filter( 'admin_head', 'mc_edit_permission_check', 1, 4 );